Dude, I don't hate the women but men play it too fool, and the sport does suck...I just hate the sport, not the long legs and tight asses that mistay may and them have :P.....
My only addiction has to do with the female species
I eat 'em raw like sushi
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im fine with people who just dont like bball, but what really gets my goat(not tom brady's, mine...get your mind out of the gutter) is when people think the ncaa is so much better than the nba.
i grew up with the nba of tim hardaway, penny, mj, pippen, ewing, stockton, malone, reggie, grant hill, etc and i loved it.
not till i got a bit older that i started watching ncaab....the gripe that the players in the nba are whiners is silly...every sport has whiners, just look at the nfl(at least in the nba u dont come in with insane contracts just bc ur the number 1-10 pick).
also, nba contracts are guaranteed which is why the players can be whiners. if u want it to stop, make the contracts non-guaranteed, like in football.
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Amen Heat, amen. I openly confess. Sixers are my first and purest love. I could stroke one out at the Phils game tomorrow....but I would orgasm harder at a Sixers playoff game.
Elton Brand will change the East (or so I irrationally belive).
I just like the heart that you have in college sports. College football is the greatest thing this country has ever created. I've only been able to get into pro football the last few years because I've gotten into Fantasy Football. I can't watch basketball on TV until the playoffs/March Madness (unless it's my Hokies, maybe that's why, we've only recently become remotely close to relevant in the NCAA). I love going to baseball games, but I haven't watched one on TV since Ripken retired. I hate what the Yankees have made of pro baseball.
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so when u leave college, you lose heart? that doesn't make any sense. college sports,when you think about it, are worse than pro leagues. they exploit students, who cant gain a salary for the insane amount of work they put in, aside from free education plus perks like free scooters and meal plans, but no ability to profit off of their effort on the field.