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it was the league creator and he has done some shady shit. he traded marion barber and greg olson to the guy with the worst record for chris johnson and nobody EVER would trade johnson especially for those shitty players. then he traded LT and a kicker for AP, he has ricky williams as well. so i said fuck it. i kicked ass in all my other leagues
Patriotism is as fierce as a fever, pitiless as the grave, blind as a stone, and irrational as a headless hen.
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no shit!
I just scoped the matchup, and uh oh...
my under-performing stars and over-reaching kick returners better step up - this whole no-money league thing has taken too much effort to get this far.
27 fuckin' add/drops!
The bitch of it is, he has four players that are on my money league team - so more mixed loyalties...
haha yeah i barely got thru, but whoever gets in vegas' way better just watch out. looking forward to this matchup, but im in in 3 diff leagues and going against brees in 2...not looking too good at the moment; u gotta hope bowe actually plays well this week