I'm here to chew bubble gum and suck some dick, and I'm all out of bubble gum
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Well, I was doing the math earlier this afternoon while Brady was throwing incompletes and interceptions and calculated that if Towdoggies loses I'll get in still.
Same thing in my CBS league nut I think that if I lose I'm out. I'm top of my division but will lose in division wins and head to head.
I'm here to chew bubble gum and suck some dick, and I'm all out of bubble gum
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Socialist Paradise of USA
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Also this guy I'm playing in my CBS league is starting Favre so it would fuck me up to root for him if I started him here so I played Big Ben for 21 points but should have started Alex Smith from SF for 24
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i had him but it didnt matter. if he could have somehow scored 55 points i still would have lost this first game of the playoffs. its kinda hard to win when your highest scorer is the bills defense and you are playing someone with chris johnson, adrian peterson, andre johnson, 173 pts and still has players playing