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Old 01-11-2010, 03:47 AM
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dolphinskull is planning the next big thingdolphinskull is planning the next big thingdolphinskull is planning the next big thingdolphinskull is planning the next big thingdolphinskull is planning the next big thingdolphinskull is planning the next big thingdolphinskull is planning the next big thingdolphinskull is planning the next big thingdolphinskull is planning the next big thing

i had about 300 of my own rips
that didnt include cd's borrowed from friends

Originally Posted by Beer View Post
I take pizza seriously.
Originally Posted by Eccles View Post
9/11 was an inside job from the Roswell aliens and the Loch Ness Monster
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:30 AM
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el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.
el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.el_victorino is taking his rep and running.

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Old 01-11-2010, 01:15 PM
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cmetz is reaching legendary statuscmetz is reaching legendary status

about 250GB and most of it has been d/l'd from the net but most of the stuff i listen to you can't buy in stores, mostly dj sets

Originally Posted by Foetus View Post
i dont shit. im a higher life form. i haz evolved

-----------nothing i post is mine, get over it-----------

RIP Joe TheSnake
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Old 01-11-2010, 06:33 PM
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I was just doing the old 'how many women have I slept with' count. God I hate fractions.

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6359 songs, 20.3 days, 35.46GB
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Old 01-11-2010, 07:38 PM
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Like 2 or 3 CD's. Everyone's in awe of my massive collection. My dick is huge.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

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Old 01-11-2010, 07:56 PM
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OK overcompensating bitch.

I actually think this is kind of interesting.
Kind of explains why some of us post here at the DSF.
I'm a track addict - no way can I listen to all the shit I have, but it's become a hobby to seek it out. I pretty much keep everything, but have essentially no screamo, death metal, country, and very little 'pop' or ringtone rap - so I do filter my selections a little - and really only post stuff that entertains me, unless it's just mass appeal, big release, that I happen across and know someone else would like.

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Old 01-11-2010, 08:07 PM
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17,239 songs, 51.2 days, 98.99GB

I have about 500 CD rips out of mine.

I have yet to try and rip my vinyl, cassette, 8-track and reel to reel collections.

14,257 LP's
8476 Cassette's
918 8-tracks
15 reel to reels
Originally Posted by Magnusrex View Post

I'd lick Taylor Swift's butthole, what of it?
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Old 01-11-2010, 09:31 PM
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all that heckno-techno e-droppin' day-glo shit?

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Old 01-13-2010, 08:22 PM
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chuy es mi homie

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26,466 songs - 109.7 days - 172.78GB

80% of this is thnx to DSF ..
I havent downloaded any new music in a while, i think the last 5 albums were greatest hits (btw thanks godfather)
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Old 01-13-2010, 08:46 PM
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Well due to my major set back in September, burglary, and losing almost 3Tb worth of music, movies, and most importantly pictures of my lovely ladies, I don't have much. I am in the process of rebuilding from a couple of damaged drives and moving things to my new computer, so currently I only have about 70GB of music. DSF has been a great help in recovering my lost music!! So thanks to all the posters!
Originally Posted by n2tattoos View Post
StorageBag...the Solicitous Pimp!
Originally Posted by Choppie View Post sir are a fucking god among men!

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