Patriotism is as fierce as a fever, pitiless as the grave, blind as a stone, and irrational as a headless hen.
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 4,724
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OK overcompensating bitch.
I actually think this is kind of interesting.
Kind of explains why some of us post here at the DSF.
I'm a track addict - no way can I listen to all the shit I have, but it's become a hobby to seek it out. I pretty much keep everything, but have essentially no screamo, death metal, country, and very little 'pop' or ringtone rap - so I do filter my selections a little - and really only post stuff that entertains me, unless it's just mass appeal, big release, that I happen across and know someone else would like.
I got the biggest collection of nipple pics this side of the Mississippi!
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 2,712
Credits: 71,373
Well due to my major set back in September, burglary, and losing almost 3Tb worth of music, movies, and most importantly pictures of my lovely ladies, I don't have much. I am in the process of rebuilding from a couple of damaged drives and moving things to my new computer, so currently I only have about 70GB of music. DSF has been a great help in recovering my lost music!! So thanks to all the posters!