Post songs or artists that you have heard that aren't main stream hits jsut yet. Or post songs or artist that you love and when you try and talk to someone else about them they have never heard of before.
Just recently found out about this band and thought this song is pretty kick ass.....
Yeah these guys have a solid sound from what I have heard. Looking forward to them coming out with an album. Would think that by having Randy jackson as a manager that they would have hit it big a long time ago.
i have never seen a vagina, but at least i dont live with my mom
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One of the up and coming bands I am looking forward to is called Black Dub.
It is Daniel Lanois, Brian Blade and Trixie Whitley. Chris Whitley's Daughter.
The View - this is a great band from Scotland, they are very famous here but not sure if they have become known worldwide. Anyone heard of them? If you ignore the other videos, at least look into this band.