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Old 05-24-2010, 12:11 PM

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Default The RULES for the Celebrity Nudes sub-forum

The RULES for the Celebrity Nudes sub-forum

Upskirts belong in the regular celeb pics section.

This is for nudes and topless pics only.

You can create a thread for each instance of a nude celeb. You can, if you wish, also create your own MEGA threads devoted to a certain actress.

Please only one instance of each set of pics unless:
  • you have more to add to the set
  • you have higher quality pics to post
  • exception is you can dbl post if it is in your own megathread

Feel free to ask any questions here.
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Old 05-24-2010, 12:14 PM

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I will also try to go back and move any threads that have nudes in them from the old section into this new sub-forum.

If you have posted nude celeb pics in the past try and find those threads. If you PM me the links to the threads i will give you 500 credits each because this will save me tons of work.

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Old 06-05-2010, 09:00 PM
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Hey, anyone have any nudes of cristina scabbia? I looked for a request thread and couldn't find one. Please help. Thank you. Assholes.
You know what ten grand feels like in your pocket? It feels like a third cock.
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fuck all of you. i'm sending him dick pics.
Originally Posted by jo_dile View Post
LOL Brodie! You're awesome...and probably high.
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Old 10-18-2010, 09:19 PM
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What if I find pictures from another site that they have their name on the pictures, but they are not on this site. Can i still post them or is that looked down upon?
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Old 01-27-2014, 04:57 AM
rajroy009 rajroy009 is offline
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Default i see

I see and read your rules and i agree.
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Old 03-24-2017, 01:15 AM
JoeCool2008 JoeCool2008 is offline
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ok i posted in the pagie & bella thorne threads yesterday & i comeback today & there gone why?
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Old 03-24-2017, 04:54 AM

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Actually your posts were waiting in a moderation que and I just got on now to approve them.

You were in a spam bot category. Not sure what happened, but I fixed that for you.

Sorry about that , but just make sure not to try to sell us stuff.

Last edited by MadamMeow : 03-24-2017 at 04:54 AM.
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Old 03-24-2017, 01:14 PM
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amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.amtronic is swimming in the rep pool that we call life.

Are snarky comments allowed?

As if anybody here ever understood and got them.
It's only going to get worse.
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Old 03-24-2017, 03:03 PM
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The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.

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Because you have 4 damn posts and nobody trusts your 9 year newbie stats.
Is this the END? ... or are we starting over?

Last edited by The Godfather : 03-24-2017 at 03:03 PM.
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Old 12-11-2018, 07:45 PM
I'm in it to win it. alot.

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MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.
MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.MEGADOUCHE can't stop predicting to the shindig.

Could we have a rule that more actual celebrities should get naked?
Originally Posted by JesusMartinez View Post
this is the best news ever!
Originally Posted by Vodkaman View Post
I think the Sunnyside milf is far hotter than Heathyr.
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