Hokay, I know it's very cool to say you hate baseball because its boring/slow/etc/etc, but I'm making this thread for those who actually DO like baseball...so if you want to let us all know how much you hate it, please don't do it here.
I'll start off.
I love the Florida Marlins cuz they were the first team I ever heard of, growing up in So Fla.
It's sad we get no support, but that's basically because SOFLA is a bandwagon place. Everyone loves the Marlins when they win champs, but don't care afterwards.
I'm glad the Marlins wrapped up Hanley, cuz he's probably one of the best players in the league.
PS I figure I won't get many replies b/c it doesn't seem like most of the people on the forums care about baseball, but I figured it was worth a shot.
Was a Yankee fan of the utmost, but when Thurman Munsan died, well, I drifted away from them...then my Dad got Mets season tickets and well, been a Met fan ever since.
I live near Detroit..... The home of the most overhyped team up until the first game was played this season.... The best thing about this years team is listening to the interviews with Jim Leyland.
i have seen a vagina, and it was expensive... even with my military discount
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Yes, I'm prepared to take my beating for this, but I'm a Pirates fan. Born and raised in Pittsburgh and they happened to be good when I started watching sports as a kid. Every year they sucker me in with new pitchers and young kids that are going to break out and every year I leave disappointed. By the way, they're 8-2 in the last 10 and 1 game under .500, so I'm waiting for a nice 7 game losing streak
hey, long-time lurker (ahem...downloader of music) first-time poster.
I'm a huge marlins fan as well. try to go to as many road games as i can every year. last year i was 0-8 (ouch!) but i did visit pittsburgh and, well, the pirates have a kickass stadium.
any baseball fans on here think the DH is total crap like i do? national league all the way.