I'm pretty bummed. Just realized my favorite metal blog
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has been shut down, for whatever reason.
Was wondering who to complain to so I ended up here. I was thinking you guys could offer some suggestions of new, better sights for metal, stoner, doom, sludge, technical death, metal etc...
Always one to contribute, but I have had little time to due to now being a father of 2, what I can offer is an extensive collection I would like to share of all my rock/metal music.
I will attach jpg's to this post of one of my folders. Please offer a good suggestion and request an upload - I will get to it within a day or two at most. I will prob. use megaupload, I have an account.
Thanks, and yes I'm drunk, it's called "Resurrection" by Brewers Art here in Baltimore. Quite appropriate for today, doncha think?. Thanks for the help.
Also, I know about angrychairs, doomedtobestonedinaslugdeswamp, etc