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Old 12-12-2008, 11:38 PM
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Seriously, just contribute. You'll have access in no time. Who knows, maybe you'll actually begin to LIKE sharing and hooking people up.
Originally Posted by amylikewhoa View Post
I'm so fucking fabulous I hijack my own threads
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Old 12-16-2008, 09:33 PM
sirbash sirbash is offline
the burning and itching has stopped

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Default sweet

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Awesome Vag shot. Is there a female attached to it, or are we being invaded?
So clever Management keeps stealing my signatures. Or editing 'em. Thanks, Satan.
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Old 12-16-2008, 09:36 PM
sirbash sirbash is offline
the burning and itching has stopped

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Default woteva

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bog butts make me sweat. post it anyhow - these perverts will whack to anything!
So clever Management keeps stealing my signatures. Or editing 'em. Thanks, Satan.
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Old 12-16-2008, 09:37 PM
sirbash sirbash is offline
the burning and itching has stopped

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Default woteva

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half of 'em are pros, the other half don't have any tits.
keep your URLs to your inner circle jerk buddies.
So clever Management keeps stealing my signatures. Or editing 'em. Thanks, Satan.
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Old 12-16-2008, 09:38 PM
sirbash sirbash is offline
the burning and itching has stopped

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sirbash is starting to gain some momentum on DSF

looks like I've made my presence known. I'll move on now.

Any of you "should I post myself" girls who aren't convinced, send 'em to'll give you a J.M. type response.

And all of you perverts who didn't think of it, fuck yourselves
So clever Management keeps stealing my signatures. Or editing 'em. Thanks, Satan.
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Old 11-03-2010, 02:41 AM
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Frothy Afterbirth Frothy Afterbirth is offline
If you need me I'll just be circling the maternity ward, listening for screams with my glass ready in hand.

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Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!
Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!Frothy Afterbirth is the most amazing mother fucker around!

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Has matter of fact I do fuck myself every single day like clock work so your lame point in contempt has been muted you two bit steak flapping cunt.
"I was going down on a chick who was 7 months pregnant when unexpectedly her unborn baby's tiny hand reached out and grabbed my face!"
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Old 11-03-2010, 03:49 AM
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moviephile moviephile is offline
I haz a temp avy that seems to be pretty permanent!

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moviephile gets fan letters from Gary Busey
moviephile gets fan letters from Gary Buseymoviephile gets fan letters from Gary Buseymoviephile gets fan letters from Gary Buseymoviephile gets fan letters from Gary Buseymoviephile gets fan letters from Gary Buseymoviephile gets fan letters from Gary Buseymoviephile gets fan letters from Gary Buseymoviephile gets fan letters from Gary Buseymoviephile gets fan letters from Gary Buseymoviephile gets fan letters from Gary Buseymoviephile gets fan letters from Gary Buseymoviephile gets fan letters from Gary Busey

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Really? 2 years later.... that post was so old He was using AOL..... You are Flaming into dial-up years Sir!!
RIP Joe TheSnake, You are missed Sir!
no links are mine

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Old 11-03-2010, 11:10 AM
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smeegs smeegs is offline
The price is wrong...BITCH!
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smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.
smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.

Fuckers, you got me all excited. I actually thought there were some girls posting in here!
You little son of a bitch ball! Why you don't you just go HOME? That's your HOME! Are you too good for your HOME? ANSWER ME! SUCK MY WHITE ASS, BALL!

Originally Posted by MadamMeow View Post
I'ld hit it.
Originally Posted by MadamMeow View Post
I'ld suck it.
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Old 11-16-2010, 09:18 PM
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The Godfather The Godfather is offline
I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.

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The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.
The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.

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Need some tissue?

Is this the END? ... or are we starting over?
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Old 11-18-2010, 04:30 PM
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smeegs smeegs is offline
The price is wrong...BITCH!
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smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.
smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.smeegs puts his rep in his pipe and smokes it.

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Not as bad as you need an image host that works.
You little son of a bitch ball! Why you don't you just go HOME? That's your HOME! Are you too good for your HOME? ANSWER ME! SUCK MY WHITE ASS, BALL!

Originally Posted by MadamMeow View Post
I'ld hit it.
Originally Posted by MadamMeow View Post
I'ld suck it.
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