Three years in a row, I have been having nonstop eye irritation from May through the summer. Last year it got so bad I made my boyfriend take me to the ER in the middle of the night. Nothing I was prescribed ever helped it.
So the other day I decided I'm tired of this one flowering tree in my backyard that my stepdad planted by our shed and fence. Some of the branches are about to touch my neighbor's deck and it makes me feel like an asshole.
So my boyfriend gets a removal guy to come and give an estimate. Finally learned the name of the thing, a Mimosa tree. It's really pretty and I like the name, but the thing needs to go, it's in a bad spot.
So I get my estimate and go inside. The part of my arm that got hit by a branch broke out in hives. Finally knowing the name of this stupid tree, I looked up it's allergy symptoms, and sure enough included is eye problems like I kept having!
Very hopeful this will finally be the end of the madness, it's been bad enough it literally ruined my last few summers. lol
And as a joke my boyfriend got me a pair of goggles that came today, but they are actually very comfy and make me feel better.
I feel like a frog wearing them, but an adorable frog cause these things are cute and make me see pink. lol