DON'T even think about reading this book. It is full of lies! LIES I SAY!
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: i'm in a weird, weird place right now
Posts: 8,440
Credits: 36,426,964
Wait, upgrade my signature? Unless you mean new badges, I kind of just put random shit in my sig so an upgrade won't do much. However, you can do as you like Madam, and I will adjust accordingly.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but our two party system is a bowl of shit looking in the mirror at itself"
- Lewis Black
Alright! I'm happy to report I was able to figure out how to make these things with the program I have. They aren't quite as good as the orginals, but I hope you like them anyway.
I'm pleased to announce the following awards of new badges:
MrGoutHimself - DSF Celeb Pics God, Obnoxious Asshole (for being bad assed an awesome), More Than 2 Cents Award (for chattienes) and the exclusive Official Duff Muff Diver badges!
el_victorino - More Than 2 Cents Award & Obnoxious Asshole!
MEGADOUCHE - Obnoxious Asshole, More Than 2 Cents Award, Sports Enthusiast & DSF Official Suggester!
The Godfather - DSF TV Show God, Youtube God, More Than 2 Cents Award, Sports Enthusiast, Spark It Up Award (for being a marijuana afficianado) and the exclusive King of DSF Award!
evil420dick - Celeb Pic God, New Era Avatard (for being awarded avatardship under my regime) & Spark It Up Award!
TheJuice - DSF TV Show God, DSF Porn Pic God, DSF Porn Video God, Youtube God, More Than 2 Cents Award & Thread All-Star Award!
I really hope you like these. If you feel you deserve any other awards, please let me know and I'll add them.
Also, if I haven't done you yet, you can still let me know of your interest here.
Last edited by MadamMeow : 04-04-2015 at 07:49 PM.
Reason: Forgot one. teehee
DON'T even think about reading this book. It is full of lies! LIES I SAY!
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: i'm in a weird, weird place right now
Posts: 8,440
Credits: 36,426,964
Nice Madam, but I haven't posted any pron in ages and my tv shows are all way out of date. Not sure I deserve those, but I'll take em. What's the 2 cents award for? I hope it's worth more than that on the street, cause my mfc habit is getting out of control
"I don't know if you've noticed, but our two party system is a bowl of shit looking in the mirror at itself"
- Lewis Black
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I thought you might like that.
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You might not have done it in ages, but you have and deserved it then so you deserve to still have it now.
The 2 cents award is for talking or giving input. I listed it back then, so even if you're not saying anything as much now, you still earned it.
Some of the others knew about the asshole badge before I gave it, if you would like one too let me know. My mindset when I made it was that it's a compliment, cause bitches love bad assed snarky guys.
I didn't want to spring it on anyone who didn't know about it since it could be taken the wrong way. If you'd like that one too, let me know.