After our final tests, this new destructive force will be available to those who can pay... and they will!
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When I fly out to the other coast, I usually buy three books for the trip -- one for the ride out/finish while I'm there, one while I'm there, and one for the ride back/finish after I'm home. The Reacher books are good for that. This is the one I finished yesterday:
After our final tests, this new destructive force will be available to those who can pay... and they will!
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Classic Stories by Philip K. Dick
So many of his short stories have been turned into movies, I was curious to read the other stuff he's put out through the years. This particular collection is exclusively from the early 50's with the exception of the story that Total Recall was based on which came out in 1965.
Originally Posted by josehl
Never heard of him.
I'm serious. Not even trolling. First I've seen that name...
These books are well written and I highly suggest to anyone in to Sci-Fi Fantasy type books. It's a story on Angels and Demons (kinda) told in a way that is intriguing and action oriented. There aren't many reviews on Amazon but it is an excellent series and I highly recommend.
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Last edited by MadamMeow : 06-30-2019 at 10:16 AM.
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After our final tests, this new destructive force will be available to those who can pay... and they will!
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Originally Posted by josehl
Never heard of him.
I'm serious. Not even trolling. First I've seen that name...