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Old 12-19-2012, 09:25 AM
The Godfather's Avatar
The Godfather The Godfather is offline
I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.

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The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.
The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.The Godfather - neener, neener, neener has rep coming out the weiner.
Default Happy Birthday Fever !!!

Is this the END? ... or are we starting over?
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Old 12-19-2012, 09:34 AM
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Bam-Bam Bam-Bam is offline
Bam Bam is hittin that! imgbox

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Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.
Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.Bam-Bam is the Mack Daddy of reputation.

~ Pog mo thoin! ~

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Old 12-19-2012, 09:53 AM

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Happy birthday Fever!

(Fuck google image search for making it impossible to find birthday themed tits)
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Old 12-19-2012, 11:22 AM
MrGoutHimself's Avatar
MrGoutHimself MrGoutHimself is offline
Would you like some making fuck, berzerker!

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MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!
MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!MrGoutHimself ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!

Happy birthday Johnny, tell Venus I said Sup.
ReQuieSCaT In PaCe
Joe TheSNaKe.
Breach my ringmeat weirdos.
Always THAT asshole
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Old 12-19-2012, 11:46 AM
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xeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handle
xeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handlexeno23 has more rep than you could handle

HBD, Fever!
Link? Isn't that the asshole from Zelda?

Lunatic fringe.
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Old 12-19-2012, 12:18 PM
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SexyLion SexyLion is offline
Good grief! The comedian's a bear!

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SexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his stars
SexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his starsSexyLion is getting blinded by his stars

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Old 12-19-2012, 12:47 PM
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mr.brownfella mr.brownfella is offline
My goal is to live forever. So far so good!
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mr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful for
mr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful formr.brownfella gives a lot that you are thankful for

Happy Birthday, Fever!
RIP Joe "The Snake"

Originally Posted by TheSNakE View Post
That settles it. Pancakes for breakfast it is
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
... On with the shenanigans.
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Old 12-19-2012, 01:12 PM
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josehl josehl is offline
You can find me hiding my face in bush, lady bush that is.

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josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!
josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!josehl ain't your mother fucking puppet, fool!

Happy birthday dude!
Known for my hypnotic rhythms, driving basslines and memorable hooks.
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Old 12-19-2012, 02:11 PM
Fever's Avatar
Fever Fever is offline
Patriotism is as fierce as a fever, pitiless as the grave, blind as a stone, and irrational as a headless hen.

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Fever is considered by many to be the illest
Fever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illestFever is considered by many to be the illest

Thanks Fuckers.

yet another example that 'only the good die young'... (no CT parallel intended, RIP)

And forever thanks to the DSF for helping me become 'that guy' - the one with the wildly inappropriate banter that makes rooms of holiday revelers uneasy.

Cheers to another one.



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Old 12-19-2012, 05:11 PM

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happy birthday asshole

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