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it is the internet. if i cared and took stupid shit like this personally i would have to put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger. i dont take anything seriously on here.
you came in here trying to start shit. no one bugged you, no one instigated anything.
pat made this thread for wrestling fans to discuss shit. if you have honest critiques lay it down. like i said, people here appreciate and respect different opinions and ideas as long as you present it in a semi intelligent way.
i don't give a shit about who you are or what you do. i don't care about your attempts at trying to make fun of me. much like your observation on wrestling, your "comebacks" are as text book as your lame posts. on my period because im cause i like wrestling...blah blah blah.
my only problem with you is your quality. as they say on the streets, "your shit's weak, son!" the DSF deserves a better type of contributer. like shasta said, he doesn't even like wrestling but agrees with what we are saying. and like shasta, i too will add you to the ignore list as you add nothing to a place full of talented, smart, cool, and funny individuals.
and to save you the trouble from saying i take this way too seriously, and i took time outta my day to do this or whatever you will come up with...i just wrote this while taking my mid day poop. so, go ahead with whatever generic reply you can find on google.