I noticed the Wrestling DVD thread is fairly popular and I can't help but think there has got to be some wrestling fans in DSF land, so why not chat about it.
Whether you grew up watching it or still enjoy it, chat it up.
Please, no "wrestling is fake" posts. Yes, we know, it's scripted. That's why it's called entertainment!
Just shows how much I've missed in the 6 or 7 years that I haven't watched Wrestling. Kennedy could end up as big as SCSA? I find that hard to believe Pat! My favorite growing up was definitely the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels & then the Rock.
I saw Wrestlemania in person long after I had stopped following wrestling just to say I saw it. It was pretty cool to see Hulk Hogan live, I'll tell you that much.
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I'd love to see WM live!! I was too broke to go when they came to Chicago a couple years back but maybe one day. The Rock was def the shit. NO ONE can do a better promo than him. As for Kennedy.....yea maybe what I said is a little far-fetched but I can still see him headlining major PPV's....
Yea The Rock was awesome, such great entertainment from him, Austin was great, Hitman, Big Boss Man, Macho Man, Warrior, Hacksaw Jim Dugen, Piper, man those guys were fucking amazing
Im not really into wrestling these days the story lines dont seem to cut it like they used to?
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I agree. I still follow it, mainly just reading the results online. For a while they were doing the same old stuff and it was getting way too predictable but they have started to turn the corner. Lots of younger guys are getting their well deserved push to stardom (see CM PUNK) and they aren't shoving the big guns down our throats anymore. And the fans are getting smarter! They boo those who deserve booing (John Cena) and cheer the ones who deserve the cheering! (Kennedy, Triple H)
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Lashley is doing MMA now.
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As for the Kane/Rey storyline. At least creative did fool everyone because the majority thought it was Kane's mask in the bag. At first I thought they were going to do the big guy/little guy feud then Batista attacks Kane about it.....I don't know where it's going....maybe a small Batista/Kane feud until Rey Jr ready to wrestle.....