It's been long enough that I actually can't remember. I'm married, been together for 11 yrs. So I have a better chance of getting hit by lightning. While hitting a hole-in-one.
Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot I only exist when you need something.
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I've heard that a woman's sex drive is more rampant starting in the second and third trimesters. I'm looking forward to that, it's just the "getting there" that's killing me.
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Before my Marriage it was constant, during my marriage was the same as you state brad, except I would have welcome getting hit by lightning if I knew how much my divorce was going to fuck with me (note to self - do not remarry), and now that I am single again, yeah its been kinda fun. Yesterday at 3pm was my last. Its like being a dumb 18 yr old again, anywhere anytime.