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Old 07-06-2008, 12:39 PM
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exactly. the internet is pretty much a godsend, in more ways then one with music.
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Old 07-06-2008, 12:52 PM
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What year is that Jchimpo?

I think MOST new music sucks today because the kids aren't as creative and they used to be.

I think there a hundred reasons, and it just isn't an easy package answer.

I think the technology out there has made it too easy for any yahoo to make an album, and that is one reason.

I don't think the new musicians research very much, and their influences only go back 2 or 3 decades, if that.
When ever I read an interview with any of the rock giants like Led Zeppelin or The Rolling Stones, they cite influences that go back really far and are quite obscure.

I am a musician, and it is amazing how many musicians I know that don't even listen to music. One of my friends of makes me mad when I talk about basic shit like The Rolling Stones, and he doesn't know it. I just don't get it.

I met an 18 year old kid in Toronto about 12 year ago who didn't know who Keith Richards is. :
And all I ever really wanted to do was Play the guitar 'n bend the string like Reent-toont-teent-toont-teenooneenoonee

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Old 07-06-2008, 12:56 PM
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All you need to know: Robert Johnson!

just kidding, but he seriously has influenced so many artists. I still hear him in new artists and I bet they don't even know who he is.
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Old 07-06-2008, 01:07 PM
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i have never seen a vagina, but at least i dont live with my mom

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Yeah, like the movie "Crossroads". They are looking for the lost Robert Johnson song. That song was going to be completely different.
And all I ever really wanted to do was Play the guitar 'n bend the string like Reent-toont-teent-toont-teenooneenoonee

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Old 07-06-2008, 02:26 PM
mhump23 mhump23 is offline
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The idea of stealing "beats" from other songs, usually classic rock or R&B and laying a new vocal or rap over it is my number one gripe with so called new music. How much talent does it take to basically remake something good and already made into something new? It's already made. Nothing original about it!

A perfect example is the latest song by(in my opinion) the no talent ripoff artist known as Kid Rock. To me he's everything bad about music. Everytime I hear the beginning of that new song of his I think, "Oh Werewolves Of London, great song", and then it morphs into his bastardization of that tune and Sweet Home Alabama I just shake my head...

Songs like that used to fall into 2 categories novelty songs or plagerizations.

You know there is a helluva lot to like in new music and I have always kept up pretty well with the new music scene. This kind of stuff is the stuff that just personally eats me alive. and the worst part is those kind of songs usually get stuck in your head forever after hearing them!: :
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Old 07-06-2008, 03:06 PM
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The other thing you can do if you are really not sure about an artist you can always go to Google.

Search the artist's name and Myspace

it will always give you their myspace and you can sample 2-5 of thier songs usually which will save you from having to waste a download on them.
Do tha stanky leg!!

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Old 07-06-2008, 11:21 PM
danieldamone danieldamone is offline
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I think as the years have gone on, and really only in regarsds to contemporary music, I've become more of a singles guy. There have been some really solid singles released in the past 10 years, but what i've noticed is that emphasis on making a cohesive album has faded. The one that I can think of, and it's totally not in keeping with my usual taste in music , is that My Chemical Romance album...Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. Once I got past the guys voice, I noticed that it was a really well constructed album. Another album that I think is pretty strong from start to finish is The Frames- Burn the Maps. The biggest disapointments for me recently have been Thr Raconteurs and The Cold War Kids.
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Old 07-07-2008, 02:49 AM
georgemandingo georgemandingo is offline
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Well said. I had been thinking this too. And also, that the current low value of mainstream music is due to the fact that a lot of people don't appreciate the actual music. I mean you can get a million songs from the internet (lord knows I have) , but do you remember getting a rare single of your favorite band, or buying a compilation just because they were on it. You would treasure it and play it for your friends or whatever.

In this day and age, it's a whole lot easier to find music similar to what you already listen to, you just search or pitchfork or anything else. You don't need money anymore, all you need is a good internet connection. What this boils down to, is that now the repeat listening sometimes necessary in really great music is erased by our even shorter attention spans, and that in turn, makes bands prone to expiration quite less so with the necessity of producing a hit.

I know I will get hit with slams telling me that there are a lot of bands doing more experimentation because of the vaster influence. But that is why I said mainstream music. I will agree that there will always be creative people out there, there is no question about that. But I'm just trying to make a point about the present state of mainstream music.
I got everything here from a diddled-eyed joe to damned if I know...
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Old 07-07-2008, 04:29 PM
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I agree with you on the "singles" movement but I can see things changing. Unlike you, I really loved The Raconteurs latest album. But my top two picks so far for 2008 are The Black Key's "Attack and Release" and Local H's "12 Angry Months". The albums tell a story and I can listen to both from start to finish over and over. Both can be found in the forum if you're curious. I'm going to give The Frames album a listen....
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Old 07-07-2008, 04:48 PM
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Seal. 'Nuff said.

And how in the hell is that guy banging Heidi Klum?!
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