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Danny Johnson is 13-years old that started playing Guitar Hero a scant 9 months ago. But that hasn't stopped him from putting my skills to shame and snagging the Guinness World Record for highest score on "Through The Fire and Flames". Danny scored 890,971 points in front of a live audience at the Guitar Hero 24 Hour Maraton in Dallas and has allegedly pushed past 950,000 points at home. Danny estimates he's played the song nearly 500 times since first starting the game.
Danny still plays "Guitar Hero" about three hours a day. And even though he holds the world record, he's trying to do even better on "Through the Fire and Flames," trying to beat his high score. That poses plenty of challenge for him -- if not some irritation. "I do hate the song," he admits with some reluctance. "It gets annoying a lot."
Three hours a day, huh? I see your three hours Danny, and raise you two more. The record will be mine. Oh yes, the record will be mine. Okay, now's the part where I say something mean about a 13-year old to make myself feel better because I'm jealous that he's better than me. Look away if you still want to have any respect for The Geekologie Writer. You've been warned. Hey Danny, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the grand prize for the tournament wasn't a girlfriend, was it? Haha, BURN! Wait a minute, I don't have one either. Who's the asshole now, Danny? Yeah, still me.
Hit the jump for a video of the record-breaking performance (filmed on a freaking television), along with one that was made in the comfort of his own home in which he scores over 949,000.
I'm not a Guitar Hero fan but after seeing this story online the other day I had to look up the band that performed the top difficulty song for this game..
This song is played is by a band called DragonForce. It's not a bad song and the video has some amazing guitar work at the 3:22 min point. Here is a link to the video.
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Now here is the video of the kid playing the song in Guitar Hero. The same part I pointer out on the last link is at the 3:58 min mark in this video.
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No disrespect, but it's pushing 4 buttons in a sequence. Sure it takes timing and coordination I suppose, but it's not musical skill. I like watching people play it especially when they are good at it, but I'm not going to try it.
I played guitar in a previous life(before marriage...fatherhood ) and it looks like it could screw with your actual mechanics since it has nothing to do with chords, scales, etc.
It's guitar playing the same as Mario Kart is racing.
It would be cool to see if someone could make a game that used a system where actual chords, strumming, runs could be tracked somehow. It would probably be crazy complicated to do, but it would make for a nice more realistic challenge.
Screw just learn to play!!!
Now if they would come out with Bassoon Hero or Tuba Hero.......
My daughter who is 5 years old wanted a guitar for Christmas. We went down to the Guitar Center and they told me she was to young and that I should get her Guitar Hero for now and come back in 1-2 years. When I asked why he said her hand arnt strong enough to do the fretwork. When I asked about their Guitar Hero recommendation he saiid that although it doesn't teach anyone how to play music, it does teach them how to hold the guitar teaches them to strumming and some fretwork.
So here is the kicker. I told my daughter and showed her Guitar Hero and she got pissed at me. She said that she wanted a real guitar not a video game. I was happy as hell. heh
i have never seen a vagina, but at least i dont live with my mom
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 422
Credits: 8,965
Fuck guitar center, that place sucks. That is the kind of shit those idiots say when they want to do their job.
Check out a local guitar store, or go back to GC and find a manager and tell him what they told you. The make smaller scale nylon string guitars that should be right up your daughter alley.
Wow! Now we are going to know why music Really sucks in about 15 years.
Good luck.
__________________ And all I ever really wanted to do was Play the guitar 'n bend the string like Reent-toont-teent-toont-teenooneenoonee
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You're exactly right!! I bought one of those small guitars for my first daughter now she's ready to pass it on to her five year old sister(who might be a drummer instead....) and start working with a full sized guitar. That little guitar was only about 50 bucks too! About what you would pay for guitar hero. And it plays pretty good although when I play it, it feels like a 6 string ukelele....
Pretty cool how your daughter actually wants to pcik up the guitar at a young age. Definitely better to get ther the real thing and not the video game. Playing instruments improve math skills, coordination, timing...etc and the simple fact that you are playing it and can make your own sound.