Can ne1 tell me why so many people consider Guns and Roses one of the best rock bands?
I would like to know why so many people think Guns and Roses is such a good band. I and admit that i don't know to much about them but i have heard their music and don't really get why people think they are so good. Does it have to do with something that was going on during that time in america? Please help me understand their popularness. Thank you.
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because people are like sheep. I felt the same way until I met Slash. He is an awesome dude. So I started listening to his playing, and I realized he is a great guitarist. I mean really good. G&R = ok band, but Slash rocks hard.
__________________ I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god
Originally Posted by pisceschef
Too late. The siren song of skinny jeans and skittlerex lured him back to his people. We won't see him for another 3 months.
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I can't answer your question but I will say that for a short period of time they seemed to capture a "fuck you" type of attitude that a lot of people liked and found in their music.I also heard but never witnessed first hand, that they put on a great live show. Maybe because of sheer record sales? I dunno...
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Slash does seem like a cool muther fucker! ...and on the other end of the spectrum Axl seems like a huge douche.
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not really a big deal. I was working the door at a club downtown, and I refused him entry because he was eating pizza. He was mad at first but came back later and apologized to me. I bought him a drink and sat with him for a short while. I was amazed at how articulate and genuinely nice he was. I was a fan ever since. And then I realized he really is a great guitar player.
__________________ I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god
Originally Posted by pisceschef
Too late. The siren song of skinny jeans and skittlerex lured him back to his people. We won't see him for another 3 months.
I've known older chicks that were psycho for them when they were big when they were in high school. It's the same feelings I have toward Corey Taylor <3 Those chicks are still heavily into them as am I with Corey. I think it's because they were so Bad Ass and that they spent years drooling to their pictures, trying to get into concerts and watching MTV (back when it was music), etc. It defined their time.
In their time, Guns 'n' Roses appeared as an anti-thesis to the other "bubblegum"rock of the 80's, like Poison and Bon Jovi. They had a harder attitude, mixed the best parts of Aerosmith, KISS and 80's swagger, to pretty much define the debauchery of the time in LA. Good songs, with singable choruses, edgy lyrics (drugs n the likes were not a widespread topic at the time), a great liveshow, and one of the most charismatic frontmen in rock, made G'n'R one of the biggest hardrock acts in the last 30 years. Unfortunately, Axl Rose turned into a diva, and pretty much destroyed the momentum that started with "Appetite For Destruction."
....sometimes I wonder why I bother......
I haz a temp avy that seems to be pretty permanent!
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Appetite for Destruction was the first cassette I ever bought and I still dig the album, but I do think it got more attention because it was more hardcore than anything on the radio, at least here in KS.
RIP Joe TheSnake, You are missed Sir!
no links are mine
Last edited by moviephile : 07-18-2011 at 05:32 PM.