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Old 02-11-2009, 05:45 PM
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so what? he dominates the regular season (how that qualifies as empy stats.. ill never know) so are you trying to say hes unclutch (very true.. but what does that prove?) or that he just stops trying after the season...? because if that was true (which is ridiculous) why would he stop? you dont think he desperately wants the post season numbers?
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Old 02-11-2009, 06:40 PM
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hey, fail-rod is what a couple of old girlfriends nicknamed my penis. a-rod better not try and steal that from me
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Old 02-11-2009, 10:17 PM
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he prob stopped bc after 2003 they were going to start making failed tests public. 2003 was the trial year.

and youre wrong, the worst part of the apology is him explainging why he lied to katie couric by explaining that he couldnt be honest to her bc he couldnt be honest to himself. pleeeaaaaasssee.
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Old 02-11-2009, 10:58 PM
punjab punjab is offline
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yes, i'm saying he's a choker.

why do you play the regular season and do your best to make the playoffs? to win the world series. anyone in the yankee organization would tell you that anything short of a championship is a failure. a-rod is a failure when it matters most.

he's a lot like chris webber was in the nba and college. really good for the first three quarters of a game, but when crunch time came around, he was throwing up bricks or calling time-outs that he didn't have.

look, i live in dallas, so i know chokers when i see them. a-rod is, was, and always will be a choker.
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Old 02-11-2009, 11:46 PM
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arod... is like... chris webber........... arod. the future home run king. will own MANY many hitting records. one of the best players in the history of the mlb. is like chris webber.?

just because he hits badly in the playoffs (its not like the rest of the yanks have been lighting it up either. they ALL stink in october)

if everything less than a championship is a fail.. and arod is a fail at that... then why was the last world series win 2000... 8 years ago. long before the time of arod.
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Old 02-12-2009, 08:06 AM
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Perhaps the Mailman is a better analogy. Webber was derailed by his silly fucking knees. His time in Philly almost killed me.

I think your logic is's in your very words. Why WAS the last yankee WS ring so long ago? A litany of reasons, sure.....but if you're the greatest mofo of all time, like you proclaim him to be, you rise the fuck above it and shoulder your team. Granted, it's not as easy to Kobe a baseball team to the pennant like the other sports.....but he's had some golden opportunities to prove himself.

Last edited by thermos : 02-12-2009 at 08:56 AM.
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Old 02-12-2009, 08:54 AM
punjab punjab is offline
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i wasn't saying that webber's place in the game is the same as a-rod. but the similarity is that they're both much better players when the game is not on the line.

regarding empty stats, i'm too lazy to dig up the article, but i read a report a while back about a-rod's numbers. a large percentage of his homers, rbi, etc. come in games that are already decided. in the 8th and 9th innings of close games, he just doesn't produce.

and thermos is right in that your own words prove my point; they haven't won a title since he got there. as a matter of fact, they've gotten farther away each year that he's been there. lose in the world series, lose in the alcs, lose in the divisional round (3 times), miss the playoffs.
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Old 02-12-2009, 04:09 PM
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but its bigger than if HE (there are 8 other players. non with better stats than arod) wins them a ring. bonds never won san fran a ring? does that make him less great?
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Old 02-12-2009, 04:31 PM
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that's a big can of worms. steroids, HGH, and a history of post-season choking with the pirates make him less great. but, he did hit 0.471 in his only world series appearance.

a-rod has hit 0.258, 0.133, 0.071, and 0.267 in his last four post season series.

if you want to look at better stats on the yankees, look at jeter. i'm talking post-season here. the guy is a career 0.309 hitter in the post season.
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