How fucked up is this...
Couple of weeks ago, i'm at work, (i know, somewhere i go when i'm not in hospital
) and i'm on a break. Sitting with a handful of other train drivers and ticket guys at a station thats really busy, like trains passing through every 2 to 3 minutes.
There's some engineering work going on in and around the station so there are workmen everywhere, next thing someone is shouting "Someone is on the track!" We all rush out the bothy and there is a 2 year old boy, covered in oil and shit, being lifted back onto the platform by an engineer guy who climbs up after him. A minute or so later a train pulls into the platfrom they are at.
Little boy is screaming like a screamy thing and generally being all upset.
25 minutes later, fucked out of her head mother comes on the scene, " Ah wiz lookin' fur him, where wiz he?" all fucking junkie attitude.
Turns out, he let himself out the house, walked 10 minutes to the station across busy roads and stuff, alone. Got to the platform and when the workmen asked where his mum was he got a fright, tried to run away and fell onto the track and was a minute or so from being hit by a train. And it took her all that time to notice he was gone.
Now, my daughter is 2 and I won't even let her fart outwith my sight. Why do these people even have kids?