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Make that into an eye chart and we can sell it to doctor's offices.
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Hard to believe I been alive for all of these cars, including the Flintstone mobile and seen 80% of the flicks when they first were released.
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Where did you find this shit? Can anyone say gross overstatement??
All my posts are not indicative of what I like, but rather a smattering of what I find. Society dictates what they feel is acceptable, not me.
cmetz: (v) - To not just fuck shit up, but fuck it into oblivion!
Join Date: Jul 2008
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i will always pirate music but what i pirate is live dn'b shows and those are supposed to be pirated! fuck the music industry and their corporate bullshit!
Originally Posted by Foetus
i dont shit. im a higher life form. i haz evolved
-----------nothing i post is mine, get over it-----------