Hmmm, I need to find more music to upload. The problem with dsf is that most of the well known names are already covered, although I'm not really sure that's a problem.
If there is a problem with any of my links, pm me
Patriotism is as fierce as a fever, pitiless as the grave, blind as a stone, and irrational as a headless hen.
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For what it's worth Sal, I think you've done real well with music contributions, and the only bit of advice I could have if you're looking for more shares would be to find a theme. The most popular new releases get pounced on by guys like Nachos and myself, so it's hard to compete sometimes with whoever's trolling the releases at the time; so I say find a pet genre/compilation and own it. Shoe's got his Laibach thread, Carajas and Godfather seem to have a couple pets, and the Hook looks like he found one in Tiesto. I started Hawaiian a while back and it got decent hits.
Just do me a favor and copy individual artists to their own threads if you set up a genre thread (like Cat Stevens goes in both his own, and Hippie threads); it makes organizing & searching alot easier.
Otherwise, I dig your shares so far, so keep it up.
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lol - and did you see Postmoves? He went out and posted some Skillet then.
Originally Posted by Trips
8 May those who seek the help of others for deliverance of carpetmunching say,
"The blessing of my TITS be upon you;
we bless you in the name of the DSF."
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I can't help but giggle @ the seriousness of this post. Look dude, I d/l a decent amount of what you post.....but jesus christ, it really a competition? Just post music as you find it/enjoy it - this isn't a nuclear arms race.
and lol @ doing YOU a favor, O' anal retentive keeper of the crypt.
I dunno, perhaps I'm just being a raging faggot but whatever.
Originally Posted by Trips
8 May those who seek the help of others for deliverance of carpetmunching say,
"The blessing of my TITS be upon you;
we bless you in the name of the DSF."