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It depends what they're doing about. Are they taking their meds, if needed? Are they working stuff out with talk threapy? Do they have a good support network?
Is your question about fucking someone or trying for a relationship? I'm sorry, but if you're thinking of banging a girl who has been committed because crazy chicks fuck like beasts, go home and jack off. Here I am as Charlie Sheen in Platoon, she's a fucking human being. You're just setting her up for more pain. Off my soapbox, now.
If you're talking about a relationship, you're looking at a long row to hoe. You become part of that support system I talked about. If she's trying to help herself, it'll be rough. if she's not, you'll be in hell.
My wife is not helping herself. She wallows in her mental illness. I think she thinks it somehow makes her "special". She goes to her therapist and lies to her. She doesn't take her meds. She sees her outbursts of rage as perfectly acceptable. She sees her unrealistic demands as perfectly acceptable behavior. She sees her paranoia (such as the house getting siezed because the dog barks, neighbors call the cops, cops search the house and find a gram of 3 year old pot and a ceramic smoking accessory manufacturing operation in a 10x20 room in the basement, cops sieze the house...true fucking story) and her ability to make herself out to be the most grieved party when something bad happens to someone else (friends split up a couple of years ago...she refuses to forgive them because it ruined her Christmas) as the most normal thing in the world. She is issues with a person attached. And I can tell you, friends, it's hell living in it.
That's why I want out so bad. She blames everything on me, while not lifting a finger to even try to make any behavioural changes herself. She doesn't have to, in her mind. She's mentally ill and has no control. What an easy way to live. No responsibilities, no blame to be shouldered. Of course, she's somehow able to control it in front of the people she works for, or her friends who wouldn't put up with her shit.
So I guess the answer is it's a crap shoot. Just like anything else. What i have learned is that if she's constantly telling you she wants things to be better, but puts no effort toward that, get the fuck out. If I had the last 10 years back, I would've run like a Kenyan marathoner.