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Old 01-19-2011, 09:18 AM
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Cluster-Bomb this MothaFucka!

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( A hundred Post indeed, fuck that shit. though I am going to achieve a million post legitimately. and I'll post two more bits before bed, so let's dial the shit up a notch)

Paul Howard thought to pray, and did just so, and even though it was but a whisper, Jessica deduced his actions and in despair wet her self. The smell of vomit and urine was so strong, it made Jessica vomit again. Even though Paul seemed not to mind, and kissed her forehead, Jessica felt terribly ashamed and disgusted with herself. The door sealed itself, and the force field around them expanded to encompass the entire room. The fabrication of Dr. Rush reappears.
"The No Field now encompasses the entire room, you're both safe, for now. But we got to get you two out of here." Paul stands quickly and looks around the room for the soldiers radio.
"What are you doing" demands the Rush fabrication. And Paul pushes the buttons on the radios. "You'll get nothing from them, you're essentially cut off from any and everything that doesn't use a subspace frequency." Jessica looks terrified, and Paul concerned goes over to her.
"We're okay Jessica, I promise I'll do everything in my power to keep us like this, Destiny, how many survivors are out there?" The Rush fabrication pauses for a moment and looks as if he's thinking.
"It's hard to say, with that thing everywhere like it is, I can't see individual quarters due to the nebula's biological signature. But the bridge and the chair room is essentially unmolested, but every where else is flooded with this thing, and as more of it pours in, eventually the bridge and the chair room will be compromised." A gasp escapes Jessica and she falls to her knees. Her blouse now doused in vomit and spittle, and her skirt soaked in urine, Jessica looks and feels horrible. But Paul kisses her hands, oblivious to everything else and ask Destiny another question.
"What are we going to do Destiny, how can we 'get out of here' with that thing virtually everywhere?" The Rush fabrication doesn't respond for a moment, but finally it shows them the innards of it's compartments and corridors.
"This is some sort of living entity which feeds on energy, but not energy in the classical sense; heat and life energy seems to be it's need. But it isn't perfect, and it's in efficient." The word inefficient caught Paul of guard.
"How so Destiny?"
"The people it has taken, and those it continue to take, though they're dismembered, are still alive." The Rush fabrication reveals. "Something about it, super chargers biological entities; every part, portion and piece of them, from the cells in their bodies to the joules of energy each cell has. The creature devours you, adding to itself, but almost immediately it retains your portions, as if indigestion, you're placed into it's innards complete, then some process maintains your functions as if you were whole; I'm sensing crew members, and more than a few of them are broadcasting brain activity. Which shouldn't be seeing as how they were violently captured." Jessica gasp again, and Paul looks down towards her, and sees her staring off into the distance, as if she was focused on something. Concerned by the look on her face, Paul follows her gaze into the far corner. A puddle of blood seems to have a little cloud moving over it, absorbing it into itself.
"Fuck me," says Paul as the cloud that had just absorbed the stray portions of blood moved towards the couple with malicious intent, the side that faced them took on the form of a skeletal face.

(Clearly this shit is taking longer than six hours, but I'll do my best until I have placed a hundred post. Fucking hilarity it is. Show me the cunny, show me the cunny, show me the cunny and I'll never cheat again.)

edit; my comment up above was typed around five this morning when I hadn't as of yet slept from drinking coffee watching porn and masturbating.
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:

Last edited by Expletive : 01-19-2011 at 09:32 AM. Reason: time coding;2nd time was gramma
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Old 01-19-2011, 10:14 AM
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( I'm such a slothful fuck. Thankfully I'm not depressed as I was a few days ago, so doing this thing should be easy, so I'm going to finish, because they're times my depression remains for days on end.)

Jessica watches as the smoke monster, smashes into Paul knocking him against the wall, and tears into his flesh, a hole appears where Paul's gut is and blood, fluid, and bowels pour out onto the floor. Jessica in horror darts to the other side of the room shrieking in abstract terror. Paul doesn't have time to scream or do anything since it all happens so fast; one moment the thing darts at him, the next he's in the corner and he feels blood and feces pour into his trousers, with the most horrific pain he's ever felt coming from his midsection, it was as if, some one used a red hot shovel and smashed it into his guts. The smoke creature tried to devour the pouring bowels and bloody fluids that poured out, and as it did so, Paul's now ruptured bowels releases noxious gases of partially digested foods, and urea composites. The smell of fecal matter, blood and something that can only be compared to sour milk bathes the observation deck, Jessica throws up green bile.
Paul feels himself falling into the abyss, and the pain is so bad, he welcomes it, craves for it, begs God to let him die. "PAUL! Shrieks Jessica over and over, coughing as she does spraying vomit, spittle and a bit of blood; a newly formed ulcer hemorrhaging. Paul looks to Jessica, and something inside him reaches out; all that rage and contempt and depression like beguilement he'd left on earth, seemingly surges out, and for a brief moment, Paul fights back, so much so, that he reaches into his gut cavity, and tries to scoop the creature from his innards. It seeks to attack his fingers, and Paul clenches his fingers into fist, pounding inside his body cavity, but as Paul does, he looks at the Rush interface Destiny made, and he was able to distinguish what he was yelling at him. The fabrication of Dr Rush told him to fight for his life.

(It's time to dial it up a notch, and not a drop of rum to be had for inspiration---damn it I'm bored)
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:
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Old 01-19-2011, 11:03 AM
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(Regis is leaving television? Wow, the Octomom is making porn? Wow, don't give a fuck? Me too, moving on...)

The Rush fabrication appears before Jessica Layman, he's raging, His voice near demonic, his face opaque.
"Help Paul you stupid cunt!" Jessica looks at the Rush interface with contempt and horror. Though she's crying she shakes her head from side to side. "You'll let him die? When it's done with him who will it go after?" Jessica considers it but is oblivious of what to do. "Let it feed on you as well, the creature needs to adapt to a person before it can properly devour you. It is unaware of the concept of time when it comes to digestion, as well as it's incapable of not sustaining the creatures life force after it consumes it. So every bit of Paul it's taken, remains coherent. It has to adjust itself to consume one being, don't you see. I've deduced why the people yet live. It's similar to the energy used by the goa'uld sarcophagus." Jessica wanted to say how Destiny knows of the Goa'uld or the sarcophagus. "Listen , we don't have time, Paul has but moments before he's too gone to be of any use to us. I got the information from Franklin about the Goa'uld and it was the Alterans who constructed the first healing devices. Now pick up Paul's guts, it'll attack you but it won't be able to adapt. Trust me!" Jessica faints and the image of Rush explodes into Rage.

(No doubt SGU isn't this interesting, but give them your coins, and they'll get better, Joe Mallozzi said so himself; essentially he said they sucked for season 1 but season 2's last ten episodes and a potential season 3 will rock)

Jessica's home, and her daughter jumps on to her bed while she's reading a very scary book called Lost in Space, with cloud demons that devour you whole. She's terrified of the book and tosses it onto the floor, and her daughter who jumps onto the bed ask her why she did that.
"That books is to scary for mommy baby." Her daughter's blond hair glitters by the lamp light, it's shortly after 6 p.m. and her husband should be just about done with the dishes. Her husband had cooked a marvelous meal, and she promised him dessert when he was finished with the dishes. Her daughter Linda was only six, but knew enough about marriage to know that there were times parents needed alone time for themselves. Jessica jumped from her bed and took her daughter back to her bed room. "Watch Nick Jr for a bit honey."
"I know mommy," said her daughter knowingly, "You and daddy need some alone time."
"That's right baby, you're such a smart little girl." After sitting with her daughter for a bit watching the Fresh Beat Band, she hears her husband switch on the shower, and almost five minutes hear it shut off. "I'll be back in an hour baby." She gets up to leave and her daughter says I love you. She pulls Linda's door to, and returns to her bed room, closing and locking the door, though it was unnecessary.

(nap time, I'm sleepy, had only two hours sleep)
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:
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Old 01-19-2011, 07:37 PM
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( Glen Beck the rodeo clown said it best today, Too much people are too politically correct and is afraid to even use BULLET POINTS, even the GOP no longer wants to use words to do with die, kill or BULLET POINTS. That's right yous fucks, America has turned into a bunch of FAGGOTS, and by faggots, I don't mean THE GAY, I mean you politically correct perpetually butt-hurt fucking balls less cunt less fags. Because men of substance has balls and women of substance has cunts, everyone else, has pebbles and vaginas. But for fuck sake, one shooting and you're chucking in the verbal towel because you're afraid to disturb the settled bilge water----YOU FUCKING FAGS! Rooster from True Grit, who represented the Duke, was a racist, a bigot and a fucking murderer, and he was biased and unfair, but he was a man's man. Where the fuck has all the men gone, and the one armed girl who lost her arm due to snake bite, represented a woman who every man would line up to drink milk from her asshole, because she had substance, and was a force of nature. I guess yous fucks hasn't read a woman of substance, I haven't but at least I read the summary all those years ago. Sure people getting murdered sucks ass, and is irritating, but you lot have the fucker in custody, and instead of stringing his ass up, you'll spend a hundred million dollars to build a case that doesn't even need to be built because the fucker did it, shoot him already, due process is the work of the devil when you have not only witnesses but the fucker was arrested on site, fuck me kill him!)

Linda sees Greg emerge from the bathroom his towel wrapped around his waist, moisture clinging to his tanned skin, his muscular body immediately made her feel a slight dampness between her legs.
"I've missed you so much Greg," said Linda quickly taking off her T-shirt which had a logo on it that said Destiny. As Linda threw her shirt towards Greg, he caught it and sniffed it deeply as he's always done since they started dating. "It's like I haven't tasted you in more than two years."
"What's up with you Linda, we've been getting it on since your mother disappeared two years ago, you know that baby." Linda/Jessica looks in the mirror and she's her daughter's reflection looking back at her. Jessica screams and her world explodes in a bright light, and once more she's staring at the ceiling of the Observation deck of Destiny. The Rush fabrication standing over her.
"We don't have the luxury Jessica, Paul's about to lose his fight. Though the exposure to the cloud is enabling him to remain constant and is repairing his injuries, the cloud needs literally a hundred times it's actual present to be able to efficiently devour Paul. This creature is beyond fascinating, but it's infinitely inferior to humanity. I need you Jessica, and I'll do all within my power to make your transition easier, but it will be painful, and uncomfortable. I know you're sick, and you have a nasty ulcer that won't get better, but once you do as I say, even though, you'll be messed up, I can save not only you and Paul, but i'll be able to download most of the crew caught up in that thing. Once in my memory, you'll be saved and alive. And my memory is equivalent to the power potential of a ZPM, in laymen terms, I can download up to a thousand people, and be able to keep their signatures separate. That's the only way I'll be able to save you and the crew. Once I've downloaded you, I'll use the repair bots and Kinos to run the ship, it'll be possible since I'll have the processing power of dozens of people." Linda head hurts, her stomach hurts, she'd defecated since passing out, and she felt painful all over, and in the distance, she watched Paul fighting the cloud thing in his gut cavity, the smell of feces and blood blanketing the room.
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:
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Old 01-19-2011, 10:41 PM
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(Half of the world is filled with fucking idiots, the other half is filled with idiot fuckers)

Paul Howard starts to feel his limbs getting heavy and the intense searing pain becoming a throb, an indication that he was either dying or slipping into shock, which was a welcomed change. He sees Jessica get to her feet, and charging towards him and the smoke creature, he wants to tell her to stay away, but only bile and blood pours from his mouth. The creature had him in the air for nearly twelve minutes now, and at first it was holding him up, three feet off of the ground, but now, it was so deep inside his cavity, that it was changing how gravity affected his body. Jessica screaming in fear and rage screams NO over and repeatedly, and Howard also Hears the Rush interface instructions of what Jessica must do, and the embattled woman starts to pick up several feet of Howard's intestines, and shoves it into his gut cavity. Due to the soup of blood feces and liquids of all sorts, Jessica slips down, and the intestines and other gory bits she'd just shoved in Paul Howard's cavity, falls onto her face, Jessica unwittingly opens her mouth to cry out from the violent and painful fall, but in doing so, she allows gore blood and feces to pour down her throat. Paul tries to reach down and pull the bowel material from her face, but before he can, tendrils from the cloud monster reaches out from his cavity and literally scoops the bowels into his Howard's gut cavity, as a mouth would suck in spaghetti. Jessica wants to vomit but could force no more liquid from her stomach, and all that comes up is the gore she had just swallowed. The smoke creature releases it's tendrils again to wrap themselves around Jessica's body, delaying the effects of gravity and lifting her into the air. The Rush interface which was actually a copy of Dr Rush's mind, since it downloaded the real Rush seconds before the attack, and was presently consulting with Rush on how to deal with the situation, understood the feeling of apprehension for the first time, and hoped it's calculations were correct, for all their sakes.
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:
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Old 01-20-2011, 12:34 PM
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(This part of the story is important I guess, and by I guess I mean not to me because I'm fucking bored and uninterested, and that's partly why I didn't continue to write last night; being sleepy and uninterested is akin to most fuck-ups composed by mankind. I started writing this bit of which you're presently reading at 10:20 am this morning at right now it's 11:36 am, sure I can say it's partly due to the fact that I hadn't had breakfast and I had to keep my two year old niece occupied for a time, but it just goes to show---wait a moment, that is why it took more than an hour to finish up. The reason why it took me this long to continue is that this next part is perhaps one of the most complicated parts of the story: How the hell do you describe a floating fart cloud and it's shit smell in the third person?)

Sensations leads to realizations, and through Pain a god is born.

Paul Howard tried to fall into the arms of oblivion or at best unconsciousness to be rid of the reality that had a hole in his gut cavity and a cloud of acid eating away at his flesh. In reality, the small piece of the nebula beast that had boarded their vessel a cloud of acid it wasn't, but it's actions felt as if it was; a corrosive element persistent and continual like it's namesake. But like the gods of hindu mythology, it represented the very essence of life itself, the yin and the yang: All that is good and not so good; the celestial spiritual and the destructive physical; feeding upon it's victims for their warmth and life force representing the needs of it's physicality, whilst simultaneously maintaining the very existence it seeks to extinguish; representing it's celestial spiritual; it unwittingly repairing some of the damage enabling the body to function per business as usual with the person's bits exposed to air and bacteria. A state of Purgatory is as best as Paul reckoned it to be---yet, each time the cycle of destruction and repair occurs, something within the wayward human begins to change. As Paul drifts into the arms of peace, the smallest bits of realization darts into his consciousness. So much so that in the minimal functions of his present state, Paul felt an expansion of his consciousness; a slight change so small that regularly even the most enlightened of humans wouldn't notice it, but in Paul's state of carnage, he became painfully aware of everything; as time seemingly slowed down, and his physical functions, and mortal wounds became intertwined in his mind, enabling Paul to know all that constitutes his physicality, and the endless potential of the very life force he continually lost and recovered.

edit i'd do more but my niece is persistent
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:

Last edited by Expletive : 01-20-2011 at 12:35 PM.
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Old 01-20-2011, 03:02 PM
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(You'd be surprised of the power of Pussy, not for what it is in actuality, but what it represents: a good time. Though the reality is, the fore mentioned good time comes with a cost, and it's price is sometimes a bit much to pay, just ask our touchy feely fart cloud acidic like demon thingy---and actual demons who were once angels who abandoned their station just to be with the sweetest dames fresh out of creation. Today, you may come across good cunny, but in those days, when Adam and Eve were still alive or had just died, humanity's perfection though gone was close enough so that humans marked their time by centuries, and every cunny was awesome.)

Jessica Layman was aware of Japanese pornographic cartoons called hentai for some time now; several years before her husband Greg who was just starting to court her, exposed Jessica to the Legend of the Overfiend, and Jessica disgusted at the time, couldn't take her mind off of the movie. Such powerful yet disgusting imagery, like nothing she'd ever seen, and the creatures or demons who attacked the many women and girls in the film or the over powering hunger their tentacles with mouths at the end of them, forced their way into anuses and a great many vagina with such hunger and violence, it ruptured a great many of them and even ruptured the bowels of an unfortunate nurse. "What a way to go," thought Jessica to herself as she shoved a vibrator into her vagina in an attempt to quell an itch that was partly due to her stinky pussy condition and partially an itch women feel now and again. But even if her husband was here, all he'd do is finger it, or shove his penis deep within for a half hour or so; but all of which wasn't enough. She demanded her business be devoured with a mouth that judged not but wanted plenty, regardless of the PH of it's quarry. Jessica had even allowed herself to get involved into a lesbian affair, thinking she'll be able to balance between her husband and daughter and another woman; to whom she fully explained her intent. And the other woman a marine, of whom she flirted with after finding out she was gay, agreed to her terms. But, on the night they were to make out, it took Jessica more than an hour to just kiss the woman, and another two just to kiss the clit of her Curiosity. The other woman, tired of the affair, tore off Jessica's panties to reveal a stinky cunt, and then Jessica nervously explained her condition. Explanations aside, it all fell apart, and the woman noticeably pretended it didn't bother her, but Jessica's heart sank as her Reveler didn't consume the desperate cunny, but instead used her fingers and a vibrator, something Jessica's husband always did. To avoid problems Jessica put an end to things by pointedly telling the other that it was an experiment and she couldn't in good conscience continue. And surprisingly afterward, they became good friends. But unfulfilled was Jessica, and her cunny, though ripe, had not a connoisseur to lavish it with oral attention. She wished her husband's mouth and tongue would become tentacles and that he'd consume her vaginal goodness regardless of all things.

Jessica covered in vomit, feces, slime, blood and bits of gore, felt a lunge in her belly and her bowels releases, peppering the ground with a spray of fecal debris--- on board the Destiny times of despair and horror at times would leave Jessica feeling horny, but now, she didn't feel sexual in the slightest or the least, but felt instead terror which surpassed any she'd ever felt by a thousand times. Her heart felt as if it would explode, but surprisingly didn't as the shadow creatures stingy tentacles wrapped around her body dispelling her body weight and hoisting her into the air. Her mind curiously remembered the Japanese hentai films with it's many tentacle rapes and Jessica realized that she was perhaps about to experience what that nurse in Legend of the overfiend felt; imagining that as with the unfortunate nurse; this things tentacles would greedily tear into her orifices and explode through her belly. And even as her body stung terribly in places where the cloud thing had grabbed her, Jessica Prepared her self for the inevitable.

The swarm of particles energized and self aware in their conglomerated state, sought to add to it's physicality by consuming these two power houses of energy. One of the two it had already began to take, but the nexus of particles felt even more hungry and unfulfilled the more of the gargantuan it consumed. It had not the ability to cease it's need to feed, but only seemingly had an equally powerful need to expand itself. How or why it felt these sensations is not known to it, and if it was known, it wouldn't be possible to garner enough complexity in it's present state to realize any thing other than expand or consume; to evolve or to eat, there was nothing else. Among it's new favorites thus far is feces; filled with rich sources of energy, and heavy elements that existed naturally through out the cosmos, the particles keenly familiar with these elements in the nothingness of space; The cloud particles found this element easier to take in than the endless liquid of blood, or their harder bits, the fleshly parts. These would take longer to consume, and seemingly by consuming them, the swarm lost more of it's very own life force (it had not as of yet realized that by tearing into it's victims it also radiated the means of their healing, how are why this occurs is not known). As it reached out from the warmth of the cavity, it sought the other store house, and quickly lapped at the bits of fecal pieces and bits strewn about the store houses body. But, it sensed a stream of fecal bits on the floor, still warm; filled with nutrients and heavy elements necessary for evolution and repair. It lapped those up, and extended parts of itself, digging into the orifice from which these originated, careful it was, not to tear into the wall of the orifice so as not to contaminate the wonderful feces with other chemicals or liquids which would be harder to devour. As it poured into the orifice deeper and deeper, it lapped up, scrapped the walls, sucked away all the elements of the fecal food source which it quickly expanded into itself making itself even more coherent in an attempt to stifle the lost of life energy it mysteriously continually lost. Another orifice existed, and from it, the shadowy nebula beast sensed a biological substance, though not as warm as the other, but equally rich, and filled with simple biological bits it could use. It poured in, and sucked away everything it came across, throbbing and lapping and sucking and pulsing, a banquet, a feast, a mystical place, and from the store house of power, it felt an energetic sensation that reached from somewhere and whimpered through the store houses entire core, touching the nebula beast itself, causing a spark of awareness that translated through out the particle cloud, creating new possibilities and introducing pleasure to something that once only understood the need to expand or to feed.
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:

Last edited by Expletive : 01-20-2011 at 03:21 PM. Reason: changed one or two words, added 'used', one or two things, would have done it sooner but my mozilla myseriously crashed.
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Old 01-21-2011, 12:43 AM
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(the previous post was filled with a lot of stuff, a lot of it is really nice to beheld. Really, Really nice. But if I'm going to get better at this bullshit, then it's best to do it again and again; specifically writing for a non ethereal force. I could write about a sentient cunny, but where's the fun in that, especially since I could write about a sentient ghost cloud that likes to eat the yeast paste out of cunny bleeds, instead. So here's the redo of the living acidic particle cloud nebula thingy. Don't bitch fuckers, I'm only redoing this part once.)

The endless shade poured into Destiny, seeking to devour all energy there in, but it found the ship, which was once rich with heat and energy, dead. Destiny, massive in size to it's visitors, gargantuan in appearance to those that stood on it's observation deck, is incredibly defeasible whence compared to the massive nebula that stretches across the expanse for several light years. The shade using all of it's subsets and coagulated particles, sensed in vain for the energy signature it had just sensed, but alas, All that was left was the biological bits of candy; the complex sophisticated mere bits that was incapable of satisfying it's hunger, but aided in it's evolution. For eons it's fallen upon all forms of movement, sometimes adding to itself but mostly losing complex structures that constituted it's existence. Like in times past, it's infancy, or as far back as it was able to constitute an awareness of self, it was infinitely sized, and was capable of devouring small stars, and even though it gained great power, mass, and heat, it would lose parts of itself; due to the phase transition which resulted from great solar masses being consumed; various parts of it fell into attrition; and others would simply break away, exist for a time, then evaporate. It tried to control it's natural instinct, to stop it's overpowering hunger since, what ever pitfalls suffered, would be detrimental for the entire body, but as long as it was as large as it was, instinct would take over and it would act. There were times some of it's parts self cannibalized; feeding on it's own body, attacking other elements of self that had evolved beyond the former full body signature, thus, adding to the degradation of the whole.

edit: I'm not done of course, but I'm fucking tired and changing lines continually sucks ass. I'm going to watch porn.
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:

Last edited by Expletive : 01-21-2011 at 12:45 AM.
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Old 01-21-2011, 03:35 AM
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( So I'm not a fucking player, and no doubt the first bit of cunny awesome or humdrum cunny bleed i get my mouth on, I'll stay with and love forever---call me a fucking idiot or old fashioned, but I'll just call your mother a whore, so I win fuckers)

The mere bits are the sweetest means of evolution the celestial organism knew; their nuance complexities, methodological functions, and bemuse hierarchical individualism, enabled the nebula cloud beast, to gradually and succinctly enhance susceptible portions of it's expansive self. The mere bits also allowed it to identify potential trouble makers within it's nexus. Unbeknown to the Nebula beast though, the mere bits were not interested in being a part of a singular organic collective for all eternity, even if, it was a guaranteed form of immortality. In many ways, it has as much conversation with it's mere bits, as humans would have with their white blood cells. As the nebula beast came across the first mere bits in Destiny, it quickly grabbed them into itself to be dismantled, and naturally, in terror, they all cried out, but could do nothing about their plight, as the nebula beast particles ripped into their bodies like trillions of microscopic piranha. Only a few felt pain, as their organs were ripped to shreds and almost immediately stored within a subspace variable which existed within the nebula beast. So that even if the nebula beast lost most of it's mass and existed in the smallest area possible, it would still possess the many functional capabilities, granted to it, by the mere bits. So many of Destiny"s crew members retained not only the full function of their minds, but felt the burden of the various processes within their new home, of which they had to calculate and delegate. They hadn't the eyes to see, or nerves to feel them, but by fully exploring the receptacle that held their essence through accessing information on it and being told height and breath of each container, they were able to understand what had happened to them. As the Nebula beast many portions filled every space possible, it became aware of dissension within it's older parts that hadn't as of yet evolved. And that a little bit of it, smaller than the mere bits themselves, was preparing to cannibalize the unfamiliar new pathways developing around it, thus, as the mere beast made it's way through the Observation door, it intentionally left enough blood and gore, so that the malfunction bit of itself would not resist, it being forced out, and would follow it's natural instinct to feed on what remained.

(I'm going to sleep now, rest easy friends, and enjoy your bit of cunny bleed, even if she's sleeping assure her she doesn't have to do anything as you once more tap that ass)
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:
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Old 01-21-2011, 05:31 PM
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Cluster-Bomb this MothaFucka!

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( In the wikiLeaks it was revealed that many State Department types felt weary about the Bahamas being friendly with China, and would this have compromised Bahamas U.S. relations. Interesting. I'm not for or against anything definitive, at least not yet. I'm just saying my Government is filled with a bunch of scaredy cats; we're talking about wussless kittens(wussy types not moving forward or back, just doing what the last mutha-fucka did). If it was me, and seeing as how we don't have shit for salad, I'd try and buy a nuke from Russia, maybe ten. So we at least look threatening enough to garner respect. Though I should mind my own business since I'm a sinner and God properly hates me; not saying HE does or not, but HE should, I'm pretentious---hopefully I'll do what's right before an end)

Depleted, the ejected portion of the nexus nearly loses coherence several times. Unable to sense anything other than it's individual particles falling away, popping into nothingness, the cloud instinctively grasp every where, pulling what it could into it's core self. If it wasn't among the oldest of the ejected portions of the nebula beast, by this time, it would have evaporated.

(This time out is brought to you today by Stargate Universe, sure season 1 sucked ass, but season 2 is infinitely better, or it will be, but if you're a glee fag, well, you can just go fuck yourself!)

An elliptical shape the cloud takes as it re-organizes it's various properties until, enough of it has been reconstituted to re-ignite it's drive properties, enabling a prescribed instinctive action; the action to feed so as to add to coherence, and to continue with it's purpose. It felt the burden of purpose, but, was at a lost as to what it's purpose entailed. Instinctively, once repaired enough, the needs of self preservation through evolution and feeding became clear enough. But the exact path to take taxed it's simplistic decision making node, which previously was nothing more than a switch changing the aspect of it's immediate environment to aid in progression, stopping, or to delegate feeding and the sharing of sustenance. But as it is now; no longer a node, or a switch, but now a free entity free of the constraints of purpose, yet torn between it's need to feed to maintain or to take direction from an even more complicated node, it expanded it's searches for any deserving complexities that matched it's sophistication. Ironically, once cut off from the body of the nebula beast, it finally sought to take direction from complex systems via strong interactive forces and their electromagnetic pulses, it no longer desired to eradicate seemingly foreign nodes that had complex new chains of organization, but desired to attach to them to fulfill it's need to evolve, but alas, it was all alone, and it's instincts would decide it's fate. It's shifting form reconstitutes just enough, to reignite the means of it sensing it's environment, and almost immediately, it senses heat and sustenance in the form of biological components. In it's present form, it was incapable of hoping, but it sought out whatever it could, to add to itself, to evolve and remain constant.

(That's from Stargate Universe's first episode Air, my problem is that it's out of place for stargate, and if it was introduced then it should have continued. They did something ballsy and then hoped you all forgot what they did, bravo. If I were the powers that be (if that isn't loser speak then tell me what is) I'd have Scott and this airwoman with the boobs, fucking every other episode, but then that's just me. More to come fuckers.)
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:

Last edited by Expletive : 01-21-2011 at 05:35 PM.
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