DON'T even think about reading this book. It is full of lies! LIES I SAY!
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While I agree with Moose about Ewoks and George Lucas in general, I had to vote Star Wars. However, there are a choice few trilogies that don't seem to have made the cut, IMHO.
-Indiana Jones minus Crystal Skull, which was just a cash in by Lucas, Spielberg and Ford.
-The Matrix Trilogy would have gotten at least consideration for my vote, had they kept it as just the first movie (although that's stupid cause then it wouldn't be 3). As it is, the crappy cg made the sequels pale in comparison to the 1st film.
-Die Hard, but not 'Live Free' since I can't stand Justin Long.
-Jurassic Park because who doesn't like to imagine running around with a bunch of Dinosaurs chasing after you?
-Superman, but not Q4P or that godawful S Returns. Except for them casting the least sexy female lead ever (Margot Kidder), the first 3 flicks were pretty close to the ideal from the original comics.
Other notables: The Naked Gun Trilogy, X-Men 1-3, Terminator 1-3, Alien Trilogy (Alien, Aliens, Alien3)
"I don't know if you've noticed, but our two party system is a bowl of shit looking in the mirror at itself"
- Lewis Black
its fucked up i havent seen all 3 of any of those, huh? but i would vote for sergio leone just bc ive seen enough of his films to know his were kickass
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Amen brother, amen...
We've all got it coming...
Sergei Fedorov - ...Also Star Wars has slowly devalued itself with Prequels, cartoons, endless shit toys, and George Lucas still breathing...Fuck you George Lucas...