The future is unwritten, but I'm illustrating it now.
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Guy I went to law school with told me a story once (while we were drinking, which is the only reason I can see why he'd ever tell this story) about how he ate a bag of those olestra potato chips in the library, felt the sudden onset of "fecal urgency" and shit his pants on the way to the bathroom.
I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!
You little son of a bitch ball! Why you don't you just go HOME? That's your HOME! Are you too good for your HOME? ANSWER ME! SUCK MY WHITE ASS, BALL!
You little son of a bitch ball! Why you don't you just go HOME? That's your HOME! Are you too good for your HOME? ANSWER ME! SUCK MY WHITE ASS, BALL!