I have tasted MY OWN Cum(and only my cum) many times...How do you expect a woman to swallow something that YOU will not???? And just take it step further.....DOES SHE........Kiss you after you just went down on her??? I think it is the same thing!.......Just My thoughts on the matter!
Later Dudes,
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I had someone say something to that affect a long time ago. The way it was said to me was, how can you expect a woman to go down on you after she was just riding you, or swallow if you can't even kiss her after you've been in her mouth.
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Wait Cerebus, then that makes you a homophobe.
No, all joking aside, I think the more common question is would you kiss your woman after she has just gone down on you? We're not talking after splurging, just after she's had her lips around your manhood. Does that make a better difference for you in regards to this conversation?
Or in the case of tats,
All my posts are not indicative of what I like, but rather a smattering of what I find. Society dictates what they feel is acceptable, not me.
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No I won't kiss the mouth that was just swallowing my know without a quick rinse with some mouthwash or alcohol.
Here's a good example; when I fap... I'll use a condom so it won't splurt on my hands.I just don't want anything to do with cum at all.
I don't consider myself a homophobe. My best man is gay. He's a great guy. I just don't wanna hear about sex from him. I don't talk about around him and he doesn't bring it up. I've worked in gay clubs and even helped film some 'videos' for a friend when he needed a cameraman on two occasions. I watched that shit for three hours on one of the shoots. It was uncomfortable, but I was ok with it because it wasn't 'me' having to take a cock in the ass.
i have never seen a vagina, but at least i dont live with my mom
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Seriously? A condom? Wow. I'm not passing judgement, but wow. We all have super weird idiosynchrasies (spelling?). I often wonder where they came from from. Are you kind of a clean freak or a germaphobe or something too?
I'm not sure "uncomfortable" would be the word for me. Or maybe it would've just been another gig. At a wife swapping party there were like 3 or 4 of us teaming up on this girl, and this dude pulled out the wang of the guy who was fucking her and gave him a few strokes. I thought it odd, but I wasn't weirded out too much about it. I just figure everyone has their thing that pushes their button. Or that unpushes it.
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