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Old 04-25-2011, 09:34 PM
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Cluster-Bomb this MothaFucka!

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((Hope you lot are having a good day because fuck me I'm not. Having headaches, depression and waves of I don't give a fuck---though happily I'm good enough to hide the crazy shit from my family because daily I have to deal with their crazy shit, and it's always mentally stimulating to be able to handle their crazy shit which ultimately aids in keeping my crazy shit at bay. Fuck me this life is a good life.
((I'm writing like crazy and deleting even faster; it's as productive as jerking off so I'm making progress. At this point, my goal is a 'cool story bro' or making shit coherent. Thus I've decided to make my book at least a thousand pages because if you want to impress some one into thinking you're something you're not, SPAM THEIR ASS WITH A BILLION FUCKING WORDS. Problem is I have a focus like a radio dial or the spinning of a record player, so today I'm pumped up to write, and by 1PM I could give a fuck and want to look at GILFs. By 3PM I'm so depressed I could give a fuck, and by 6PM I hate the world and everyone in it, and want everything to die. By tomorrow; rinse and fucking repeat. Fuck this feeling in my fucking head that makes me stupider than a fucking spider monkey wanting to fuck an outlet hole, and as interested in fuck all as a sloth would be just before sleepy time. Some suggested drugs, and purportedly that should work, but seeing as how years of taking Alphagan and Timoptic, Predisone (hundreds of milligrams for several years before the recommended dosage was 75mg; thanks Doctors, you're the shit), Ventolin, Pulmicort and Albuterol, not to mention Topilsolon N (before that shit got banned for being a dangerous fucking drug), and then Dermovate (which I'd kill for since no one here has it and my Eczema is back with a mutha-fucking vengeance after almost twenty years---present, it always was, but controlled it had been, but, now shit's everywhere and it's making my face blacker than fuck)---After taking all these fucking drugs daily, I'm sort of thinking that maybe they're the reason I feel the way I do. So it's best not to add to the Cluster Bomba Fuck.
((This government is hands down the worst elected system of Government in the history of the Bahamas---and not wanting to get into politricks, but these fuckers are as bad as they come. Sure they gave me a job for three months last year, but they couldn't keep us because they were too busy giving away 300 million dollars for a road works project (to a south American company hosted by Carlos Lehder; I'm an Argentian asshole) where the Oligarchy (the supplier of all of Lehder's shit); including the prince that sits behind the puppet as a second, when in fact he's the first---makes all the fucking money; tearing up every major road way, making our lives difficult. On top of that (and we know they're getting paid for doing this shit some how), Giving Cable and Fucking Wireless our NATIONAL TELECOMMUICATION COMPANY FOR 200 MIL WHEN IT'S WORTH NEAR 1 BIL---Not to mention creating a so called government agency; a regulatory commission called ORKA OR URKA OR who gives a fuck, to broker the deal of which telecommunication company the world over, could have the 51% stake in our company (which yearly pumps 139 Mil into the treasury). Let's just say lady's and gentlefarts that it's as bad as what Regan, the Bush Clan, Clinton and Obama did by letting Goldman Sachs Execs run the treasury; conflict of interest, indeed. All the chief members of Urko or Orka or who gives a fuck, this supposed independent government entity, supposedly unbiased as prescribed by the constitution, were formerly of Cable and Wireless, with some, having just left the company the day before. None the less, this present Government, the FNM, knows that when elections comes around, they're probably done fore. Realistically, who am I kidding, the fuckers here are as brilliant as the fuckers in the United States when it comes to voting, so maybe the FNM stays. Don't get me wrong fuckers, I could give a fuck about either or, but I'm more interested in getting mine; I'd stop any one's show, or throw wrenches all up in your shit, if you were making dough and I wasn't. So though fuckers here makes their dough illegally (legally?), regardless if they're deputy this or prime that, or senator this, or Member of Parliament that, if I'm not making it, I'd fuck your shit up out of spite; so call me Mr Spiteful. We have Realty Magnates who are as honest as the Kingpin, And everyone's cash money bin has a bit of powder from the 80's and 90's (not to mention the white Bahamians whose money is 99% laden with bootleg spirits from prohibition), but regardless of all of that, had I my dirty coins, I'd be as sound as a pound of shit in John Wayne's bowels (what, too soon?).))

Stargate Universe is canceled and is getting better (the remaining episodes), not that you lot care, yous glee fags. ))

((I wrote that bit a week ago, and it had replaced the bit I wrote before that. I didn't post it because I forgot my That Old Guy Image password, I didn't feel like creating another account because I've been feeling FUCK YOU, for a while now. Then a few days ago, I got a burst of inspiration and started caring and started writing, and started masturbating again, so life is good. And after watching Inside Job thrice, I found another bit of interest for yous Americans, and to assist you in properly seeing how your bail out money was used.

Game of Thrones was awesome

Jason Momoa and Emilia Clarke

Momoa said the sex scenes were rough, but he's lucky, Khal Drago could have been a THE GAY, then shit would have been downright scary as fuck.

I should proof read this shit, But I don't like you lot that much, Natalie Portman is awesome.

It's amazing what you can do when you're not so angry any more, like I was for these last many weeks; I created another That Old Guy Image username and Password, and my subject is care of because if it isn't from DSF I search for cool shit, it's apparently there. Otherwise I just google shit.

Natalie Portman is opinionated, and that's okay, because opinionated people are like assholes, and every asshole produces shit, so no biggie.

Natalie before the baby fat.

Natalie after the Baby Fat, though if you ask me, the extra bits makes her a lot more bangable.

Natalie with her boyfriend Benjamin Millieeeeewhoogivesafuck

Natalie on the set of Thor

Dear Natalie claimed that after doing this

She almost went ape shit and was so exhausted she nearly died, or some shit, because we all know, that actors being actors could copy any profession doing it better in their 1 year of training, than said professional who has done this shit their whole lives. As always care of
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:
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