Thread: Craigslist LoLs
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Old 06-13-2008, 11:05 PM
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BlackCrypt BlackCrypt is offline
Moses is a nice guy.

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BlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illest
BlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illestBlackCrypt is considered by many to be the illest

To the Woman who maced me - m4w
Date: 2007-11-10, 8:43PM CST

I saw you jogging around the lake and followed you to Dunn brothers. I was trying to work up my courage to get out of my van and go into Dunn brothers but you were only inside for 30 minutes. As you left the coffee shop I followed you slowly as you walked up the block. I think you got nervous when I hit the garbage cans that some jerk left on the boulevard! I guess I did hop the curb, but still, they were pretty close to the street. Anyways, I watched you start to run and I wanted to explain what happened, you started screaming for help as I tackled you, whats with the screaming anyways? And why do women always scream when I try to talk at them? Anyways, thats when I got a face full of mace...that was three days ago, and I was just released from the jail. I was hoping you could meet me and possibly drop the charges.

* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 475176589
Damn, it has been a while!!

"You last visited: 01-19-2009 at 07:33 AM"

Originally Posted by amylikewhoa View Post
go fuckyourself
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