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Old 07-28-2008, 10:09 PM
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Kyle E. Coyote Kyle E. Coyote is offline
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Default A new twist on an age-old question

This might be a dumb idea for a thread. If so, I blame it on the fact that I just had surgery this morning, and I'm still a bit loopy from the anesthetic. But here goes nothing....

We've all been asked the old as dirt question "If you could have dinner with anyone in history, living or dead, who would it be and why?" Well, here's the same thing but with a twist.

If you could do the following with/to one person in history, living or dead, who would it be (and if you want to explain, why)?

1) Have dinner

2) Smoke weed

3) Watch a porno

4) Play golf

5) Sleep with

6) Go to a ball game

7) Kick them in the crotch

8) Box/fistfight

9) Kill

10) Switch lives

11) Erase

12) Wiretap/spy on

13) Play Guitar Hero

14) Drink with

15) Skydive with

Okay, go at it!