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Old 07-17-2008, 01:02 AM

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Default Shasta and that other guy..whats his name?...oh yeah BigMac

Shasta and Bigmac Are loved here.

I have received 2 PMs. One asked why i was being so mean to Bigmac and Shasta and the other said that i hurt their feelings. I have no idea if i this was an assumption or was actually something told to this person.

All the gay jokes and cartoons were only in response to all the many many many gay jokes that they hurl my way. Countless gay jokes - giving guys handjobs, sucking cock, not making eye contact...I'm sure you have all read a thousand or more of them.

So when i decide to make a couple cartoons everyone gets offended?

If ya can't take the heat Get The Fuck OUTTA the kitchen!!

Anyways i just wanted to say that they know i am kidding. I love the DSF peeps and I love all the real original DSF peeps the most.

That first round of people that got avatars really made this place what it is today.

there....i said it so there's no confusion about it.

Jeesh a bunch of sensitive vaginas around here....