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Old 01-27-2011, 01:34 AM
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Cluster-Bomb this MothaFucka!

Join Date: Oct 2008
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Expletive has a spectacular auraExpletive has a spectacular auraExpletive has a spectacular auraExpletive has a spectacular aura

( It's difficult to give a fuck when you feel despondent. Yesterday was a busy day for me, not to mention I felt like snark shit pus fuck. )
( Though, for me, writing coherently is almost always an insurmountable task, especially due to my idiosyncratic methodologies which continuously oscillates from fuck-all to what the fuck.
( I truly have no mental means of continuing anything worthwhile, especially tonight when watching scat porn is preferable.
( But I think I can manage, after all, I daily pretend to be a regular person, even if my best impression of the regular joe is the despondent indifferent incredulous type.
(Paul Howard and the thing in his gut get's some talky time, while Jessica Layman keeps having orgasms and start dreaming all sorts of odd imagery; thanks to her growing sexual appetite that has surpassed the extreme and marquis de'sade tasteful.)

Jessica Layman was home again on her bed naked having 69 sex, with the only difference being, instead of Jessica's face in the bronze mirror that hanged above their bed, Jessica saw her daughters face. But only her daughter's face, since the rest of the body in the reflection was hers, and she didn't see her husband's dick in the reflection, only the act of her daughter's mouth being opened, seemingly foundling on something. Other aspects though that were not unique or different was her husband's dick in her mouth, since they always had 69 sex, and her husband would usually have his fingers and a vibrator, going in and out of her vagina; and almost always Greg would be breathing through his mouth; gasping at times as if he was suffocating. But not this time; this time her husband's mouth, a sucking tentacle, is buried deep inside her vagina sucking up all the green sticky sugary goodness that had made Jessica's vagina smell always pleasant and radiant. The sucking noise near a roar as all the fungal growths and cheesy like bits of yellow flowed through the nozzle that was her husband Greg's mouth, into an apparent bottomless pit inside his body that must be his stomach or even perhaps a pool, since the sucking was constant and the gushing of thick soupy green plentiful. Even as the ends of Greg's tentacled mouth buried deep inside her vaginal cavity, nibbled at the walls of her chasm to pull free the darker green harder bits of fungal sweetness that held fast, and sucked with suction forces that exceeded thousands of PSI, Greg still managed to allow some of it to waste; bits of it oozing from the sides of his tentacled sucking mouth, pooling near Jessica Layman's rectal opening. Inexplicably, Paul Howard walks by with a tentacled mouth of his own, which he buries deep into her rectum to capture not only the green gooey sugar that escaped her vaginal canal, but to suck away all matter, liquids, and gasses from her rectal storehouse. Jessica approached ecstasy and thought she would burst with joy and pleasure. Her mouth chewed and sucked hard awaiting another gift that would make this moment even more appealing and enjoyable. The taste of Greg's dick in her mouth, reminded her of lavender flowers, and blue berry moon beams. A sexually electrical discharge in her mouth announces the succulent goodness of lunar pulses that pushes Jessica even further near the point of no return; the trembling woman gulping down as quickly as she could as Greg's dick juice pours into her mouth almost immediately making her feel strong and peaceful.
The bedroom door opens, her daughter Linda Layman enters, but just as Jessica becomes irritated at her daughter's intrusion since Linda knew better, the coital woman became distracted by what was behind Linda. There, in the shade of the hallway stood a shadowy hulking figure that loomed over Linda. Jessica immediately alarmed at the penis that was just behind her daughter's head, but as she notices the shape, her worry turns to pleasant surprise. The figure pushes pass the child and stands admiringly over the conflagration, Jessica couldn't believe what she was seeing; it was another Paul Howard. This Paul Howard was naked; his protruding gut several inches over his waist, his dick, no bigger than five inches was erect and thick, and slightly curved like the letter 'C'. Jessica pulled her mouth from Greg's dick and offered some to him.
"Try some, it's very good." This Paul Howard seemed Reluctant at first, but after a time, he knelt and did as she said, and upon him doing so, a rush of orgasmic flurry passed through Jessica making her almost pass out in her dream. Then another flurry attacked, then another, then another; all around them, the house shook and articles fell from high places.

On a large plateau with an oceanic expanse above the landscape, stood a lone STARGATE and two humans standing before it; both of them are Paul Howard. The first Paul Howard is wearing sneakers, a t-shirt, and jeans; and in these jeans he stands with his K legs looking admiringly at the other Paul Howard who is covered in a black robe with smoke emanating from his body. The one in shadows and smoke wore glasses, and the first Howard did not, but both of them are the same height and built. The one of smoke spoke first, his voice with an echo that sounded non-ethereal.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" The first, looks at his duplicate from head to toe, then towards the STARGATE. The other Howard responds in the Bahamian vernacular; though calm and measured.
"I'm the guy about to pass the GATE'S event horizon." he said
"WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN, AND WHY ARE YOU WEARING MY FACE---OI, MY BEY!" Snapped Smokey Howard incredulously even as he reluctantly follows the other into the STARGATE. The whirlpool stretches around them into bright light that cascades into a city street, and dark cloudy purple skies. In the distance, a solitary house amidst emptiness and roads heading into the far distance. Both Paul Howards look at their surroundings. The smokey Howard has an irritated look on his face.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS PLACE?" berates Smokey.
"This is Jessica's hidden place," said Paul Howard. And Smokey Howard raises his eyebrows and forehead slightly, his eyes widening as if he gets it, but in reality he's being facetious.
"Is it now, fuck me because I thought it was her public place, goes to show what the fuck do I know---" his voice sounded as normal as the the first Paul Howard's voice, but then; "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE, HOW THE FUCK DID WE GET HERE AND HOW IS THIS SHIT JESSICA'S FUCKING HIDDEN PLACE?" As Smokey let loose his feelings on his predicament, the ground began to shake, and the sky grew darker. Smokey taken aback shares his bewilderment. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?" But the other Paul Howard is making his way towards the entrance of the house. Smokey sucks his teeth, looks up at the turbulent darkening sky, and tepidly follows his doppelganger.

Jessica in coitus' resolution screams in delight as another flurry passes through her form and into the surrounding space; causing space time ripples to pass through out the house. She grabs her husbands large dick from her dream co deviant Howard, and plunges it into her mouth; as the sweet lavender blue berry moon beam brew pours into her mouth, she screams again as another flurry passes through her body. Her dream deviant Howard rips It out of her hand and puts it into his mouth sucking forcefully, Greg Layman's tentacled hosed mouth sputters as it sucks the thick green soupy goodness from Jessica's Vaginal canal, orgasms passes through Greg's body and by extension Jessica's who almost immediately twitches in convulsions trembling the space time around the bed. Jessica's co deviant Howard, uses his teeth and nibbles the gland of the sputtering dick, causing Greg/Jessica Layman another orgasm; Greg's hosed mouth pulls away from Jessica's vagina and hoses the room with the thick green liquid, a bit of it splashes into Smokey Howard's mouth as he barges into the room before T-shirt and Jeans wearing Howard would have. Smokey is not amused.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? FUCK ME IT'S IN MY MOUTH, O MY god IT'S IN MY FUCKING MOUTH! THIS IS SOME NASTY FUCKING SHIT!" T-shirt and Jeans Howard cautiously enters the room and glances at all the goings on, and makes his way into the far corner where none of Jessica's vaginal yeast soup has touched. Smokey spits out yellowish cheesy bits and green slime, and continuous to spit. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK A MUDDA FUCKING DUCK!" Jessica oblivious to Smokey and the other Howard, flurries again, the space time ripples emanates from Jessica Layman and passes through Smokey Howard momentarily reducing him to a cloud of black smoke. The other Howard in the far corner raises his hand and blocks the oncoming ripples. Smokey sees him do this, and is confused and terrified. "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED MAN? WHATS GOING ON?" Though noticeably terrified, Smokey's fear becomes revulsion when he sees the deviant Howard on the bed near Jessica's head with another man's dick in his mouth, and the other Paul Howard with a long mouth that resembles a hose lurched between Jessica's legs sucking shit and green bile looking, and sour milk smelling bits from her ass.
"O FUCK ME I'M GETTING THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Exasperates Smokey Howard, but spinning about, he sees no door to exit out of. "O SWEET MERCY NO, LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT, I'M GOING TO DIE IN HERE, DIS ROOM SMELL BAD BEY, DIS ROOM SMELL NASTY MAN, FUCKING LEMME OUT BEY!" He sees the other Howard in the corner, relaxed and looking at him thoughtfully. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU LOOKING AT BEY, YOU TRAP IN HERE TOO." The other Howard makes his way around the bed, and lightly taps Linda on the head, Linda looks up at the Howard passing her and nods.
"If you want out, you have to participate brother." Smokey looks at him in disbelief, his eyes welling up with tears, and then, suddenly, he jumps onto the bed, and starts to pound on the deviant Howard who is sucking on the dick of Jessica's husband. The dick sucking Howard wails in pain and irritation, and Jessica still in coital resolution, raises her hand and immediately, Smokey Howard flies into the wall, the wall oozes around him holding him fast, pulling him towards the floor, but stopping about two feet from the ground. The other Howard from just behind Jessica's daughter continues.
"Jessica is being molested by the shadow beast in the real world, and her mind made this fantasy to deal with that fact. As luck would have it, the shadow beast sits on two planes; the ascended plane holds the beast roots, and it's body lives in the realm of the real. Jessica Layman and Paul Howard has been exposed to radiation that should only exist on the plane of ascended beings. This radiation has a profound affect on flesh, particularly, sentient flesh. The beast is feeding on the biological waste and growths from Jessica's body; namely her bottom and vagina. And Jessica's brain is translating this event into something Jessica could deal with, without allowing her to go mad. Her brain is receiving pulses from the reverberating frequency of the beast biometric pulses, which has it's roots in the uber frequencies that exist only on the ascended plane.
"The shadow beast benefits because it feeds off of the physical and electrical biometrics Jessica's body is releasing; namely her biological waste which it apparently uses for repair and upgrading itself, and it duplicates complex biological biochemical properties it is exposed to; namely, Jessica's orgasms. The reverberating effect of it's perpetual replication of Jessica's biometric signature is affecting it's body's ability to properly feed on any other victims, thus, it's particulates that deals with feeding and upgrading, has now all been changed to upgrading; thus, the person whose body it was deeply involved with, a person who it was feeding upon, has also began to change. Thus it has unwittingly began to alter the phase variance of the victim that it was devouring. Paul Howard, it's victim is experiencing a change of his molecular cohesion; altering the charge of particles and the electromagnetic boding between smaller bits in Howard's body. Essentially, Howard is upgrading." Smokey Howard looks as if he understands.
"Yes," says T-shirt Jeans wearing Paul Howard, "It's upgrading Paul Howard, but like a fan plugged into an electrical outlet, the fan, or the monster, is experiencing a different state, namely, Paul Howard's consciousness, which it is unwittingly using to resemble a life form." explains T-shirt Howard.
"That's right, you're Paul Howard and I'm smokey." lies Paul Howard. "And I'm here to help you ascend." Smokey Howard smiles at the last part, as Jessica Layman cries out in another orgasm shaking the dream world.

(porn is evil and lessens us as people, but fuck me it's addictive, later Stargate Universe fans, and if you're not, then go watch glee faggots!)
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:
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