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Old 06-18-2008, 03:57 PM
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alittleoffhedy alittleoffhedy is offline
the burning and itching has stopped

Join Date: May 2008
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alittleoffhedy is starting to gain some momentum on DSF

we live in a pretty small town, and there's barely any traffic on the road, so I ALWAYS gave my boyfriend road head. he absolutely loved it and he came so easily...when I was in tenth grade I gave head to a boyfriend at a house party in the girl's bathroom...we were both incredibly intoxicated and didn't realize that the door had no lock, it was a sliding door, so we were walked in on several times.

and i was completely wasted at a friend's lakehouse and gave head to my boyfriend on a dock...people were in the water, but they were a little far away, and it was also pitch-black outside.
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