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Old 06-23-2010, 12:00 PM

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If you "opt out" you will continue to receive the same number of ads? WTF?

So you opt out and the ads just aren't as "relevant" because they aren't tracking your position... but then they don't allow you to access the App store anymore. Dick move Steve.


Apple Collecting iPhone, iPad, Mac User Locations in Real Time, Passing On Info to Unknown 3rd Parties
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
By Ryan Northover

News that will shock ten of millions of Apple users and alarm privacy and civil liberties advocacy groups

Apple Inc. has changed a clause in it's privacy policy agreement that allows the Californian based giant to determine the "precise" and "real-time geographic location" of iPhone, iPad and other Apple gadget users, set to create a firestorm of controversy.

In print buried deep in the? Apple Customer Privacy Policy?, Apple will now be able to pass off real time location data of users to unspecified ?partners and licensees? for unknown use.

Apple users are forced to agree with the new terms of privacy whenever apps are downloaded from the Apple iTunes store. Users cannot download any new media for their various devices until they agree with the highly contentious privacy changes.

The new privacy agreement from the Apple Customer Privacy Policy page, reads:
Content, Pictures  and Download links visible to registered users only. 

REGISTER NOW to access all areas that are invisible to non-members.

A lot to answer for, Apple CEO Steve Jobs with an iPhone smartphone.

So what is Apple trying to do achieve by collecting your exact location in real time? And more importantly, exactly who is Apple giving your exact location to?

The privacy of millions of Apple product users is suddenly at risk without any reasonable explanation and many will simply agree to the new privacy agreement without even reading the new text or thinking about the potential implications.

Content, Pictures  and Download links visible to registered users only. 

REGISTER NOW to access all areas that are invisible to non-members.
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