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Old 05-31-2008, 10:18 AM
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MillyMc MillyMc is offline
That's MR. MillyMc to you!

Join Date: Sep 2007
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MillyMc is starting to gain some momentum on DSF

I'm listening to the new Hold Steady album which is pretty damn good. Its in the music section, leaked over a month before its release date.

(Was gonna post the leaked album for everyone but I SEARCHED first and someone beat me by a couple hours. That search is in your honor IndieEmoPunk!!)

Also, my gay song of the moment is Sara Bareilles's "Love Song". Dont front, yall dig it too.
"If you really want to hurt your parents and you don't have nerve enough to be gay, the least you can do is go into the arts." - KV
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