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Old 12-21-2008, 04:26 AM

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Default What celebrities know about the Mini Cooper that you don'tWhat celebrities know about

i saw this and had to post it considering how much shit N2 gets...

What celebrities know about the Mini Cooper that you don't

Why did the 2009 Mini Cooper sell when nothing else did?

November 2008 was a dismal month for car sales. Nearly everyone went down, from GM to Toyota. But one brand actually went up, and by a healthy 43 percent margin: Mini. Why did the 2009 Mini Cooper sell so well when nothing else did? To get at the truth, we did what any good American would do when faced with an unanswerable question on the meaning of life: We asked a celebrity!

What does David Hasselhoff know about the Mini Cooper that you don't?

The Hoff rolls in a Mini, although word has it he spells it M.I.N.I., and says it stands for Mobile Inter-National Icon...not sure if it refers to himself or the car. Anyhow, the point is that the Knight Rider and Baywatch star and German singing sensation obviously has hit on something about the Mini that may get overlooked: passenger space.

The Mini Cooper is roomy!

What David Hasselhoff knows is that despite the 2009 Mini Cooper's small size, it can fit a lot of people, something that's important when you have the entire German nation clamoring for your attention. Sure, the back seat isn't huge, but just being in your presence should keep your entourage happy. Hey, it works for him.

What does Goldie Hawn know about the Mini Cooper that you don't?

Goldie Hawn started her career playing ditzy blondes, but clearly she's one of the smarter women in Hollywood. Why? Because she knows the Mini Cooper isn't just a tiny car that's fun to drive, she knows it's practical, too. The proof is here, with Goldie loading up her Mini Cooper with four shopping carts of groceries. Can't do that in a Porsche.

What does Rachel Stevens know about the Mini Cooper that you don't?

Right now, you're seeing British singer and actress Rachel Stevens doing something she rarely does: pumping gas. That's not because she's an A-list celebrity with an entourage and staff to do her bidding. No, it's because she drives a Mini, and the thing is, even a Mini Cooper S just doesn't drink a lot of gas.

The Mini Cooper Sips Gas!

Cars that are fuel efficient usually aren't fun to drive, and cars that are fun to drive usually aren't fuel efficient. The 2009 Mini Cooper is both, with the base model getting up to 28 mpg in the city and 37 mpg on the highway. Even the turbocharged Mini Cooper S gets 26 mpg city and 34 mpg highway. Heck, the worst EPA fuel economy for the Mini is the Mini Cooper S Convertible, which gets 21 mpg city and 29 mpg highway, and that's still pretty darn good.

What does Jimmy Fallon know about the Mini Cooper that you don't?

See that guy? That's Jimmy Fallon. Know what he's doing? Having fun. Know why? Because he's driving a Mini Cooper (although the blonde next to him probably has something to do with it) in a parking lot. OK, so maybe that's not the ideal of fun for everyone, but Fallon knows one thing: The Mini's small size makes it perfect for tight parking lots.

The Mini Cooper is Fun to Drive!

You may think that driving a road-crushing SUV is the way to go...until you get to the mall and discover that the only open spots are those little-bitty "compact" ones. Hey, maybe you like exiting your vehicle through the sunroof, but we prefer the doors, and the Mini Cooper's small size makes it easy to get around in. When you hit the open road, that small size translates to maneuverability, giving even the base Mini Cooper a fun-to-drive character that's nearly impossible to beat.

What does Britney Spears know about the Mini Cooper that you don't?

If you're going to be running from the paparazzi (but secretly wanting to get photographed), there's no better car than a Mini Cooper Convertible. First, it's quick and maneuverable. Second, it has a great interior design that'll keep you entertained while you pretend to ignore the photographers. Finally, it has cupholders big enough for your bottle of vitamin water, which you'll need after being chased by fans to your Mini Cooper.

The Mini Cooper Has a Great Interior!

The Mini Cooper's dash design is just as eye catching as the exterior, with just as much thought put to making the inside look as cool as the outside. Check out the climate controls shown here. Not only is it functional, but the layout of the buttons and display mimics the winged Mini badge. How's that for cool?