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Old 11-24-2008, 10:58 PM
GeminiEye GeminiEye is offline
i have never seen a vagina, but at least i dont live with my mom

Join Date: Oct 2007
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Last summer went up to New York from St.louis to see Rock the bells 07. Rage against the machine, Wu-Tang Clan, Cypress Hill, Public Enemy and at least 10 other acts. Concert spanned from 12pm-11pm and basically took over randalls island. Probably over 50000 people there. It was fucking amazing. When Rage came on it was like a fucking earthquake. Sadly some of my friends that I went with are'nt as hardcore as I am when it comes to concerts so we left after like the 4th rage song to get back the buses that took us back to harlem. Will definitely go down as one of the greatest experiences of my life.
I Am Sofa King We Todd Ed!
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