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DSF Guest 8 09-05-2008 10:52 AM

Lurkers needed to prevent dying and slowing
What would it take to get lurkers to participate and stop the slowness/dying?

thermos 09-05-2008 10:53 AM

Leroy Green.

He is the Alpha and the Omega.

DSF Guest 6 09-05-2008 10:53 AM


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more boobs. ahemmmmm ladies......

BigMac63 09-05-2008 11:09 AM

More women participating would be beneficial. Fewer pervs drooling on the girls we do get, perhaps (ladies, chime in on this please).

Less politics, religion, arguing of any kind.

More fun stuff (more Jack Handey? god no!)

I don't know. What made the posters stop lurking in the first place? I know I posted a shitload of music before I started participating in the fuckery. I only signed up because Lucas made some of the music posts members only.

On a side note, I know there are some new girls that would maybe like to post pics, but can't access the private section. Is there a solution for this?

Shasturbator 09-05-2008 11:10 AM

PM me the noodz....I'll make sure Satan hooks ya up;)

DSF Guest 6 09-05-2008 11:16 AM


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Personally, the politics/religion talks bore me and I generally stay away from them---but at times those are the most active threads. I came here because I discovered the music available but I stayed for the discussions. I love shooting the shit about sports, entertainment and making fun of everyone.

As for new girls--- If they are willing to share pics I don't think it's fair to make them do it on the public forum first, because of the drooling pervs/n00bs---have them PM the pics to an admin and if they deem worthy, give them the password. Or even have the admin post them in the private thread and have the private members determine. IDK, just some suggestions.

Omaplata 09-05-2008 11:55 AM

I definitely think that girls are what bring guys out of lurkerville. I also totally understand why the girls here have curtailed the posting that used to occur. There are some sketchy people that have weirded some of the girls out. As for the "serious" posts, I think they are ok. It's what is weighing on the minds of people right now. Everyone just has to remember that opinions are like assholes and everyone has one (and if shasta gets ahold of you with the rubber fist, you'll have a huge asshole :eek: ). That said, I think it's just slow right now. I guess if there was a way to prevent people from accessing/downloading vids and music until a certain post count is achieved, that might work too. Of course, that could also run people off.

Striker 09-05-2008 12:05 PM


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First off, that's impossible.
Second, if you don't like those threads, then start some that will gather interest. And that doesn't mean more threads for ass kissing or flirting. I get really sick of reading that shit and sometimes it seems like that's the only shit being posted. And I know I'm not alone on that.


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I think that's probably why I signed up. I can't remember why I started posting.


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That's an excellent idea.

DSF will never be a place where everyone can come and be happy with all the content. You will always have some threads that people don't like. For example, bigmac and pat riot don't like the political threads. Pen clearly doesn't care for the offensive jokes thread (neither do I). I only have a passing interest in the sports section because it's not something I devote a lot of my attention too. Right now, the most active discussion threads are political because that's the main thing going on in the US right now.


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There definitely needs to be a way to prevent people from posting downloads unless they are going to format it all correctly. My biggest pet peeve on here is seeing people fuck that shit up when it's easy. I know art work is pretty much a rule now, but I think it also needs to be a rule that you provide file information. Not because it has to be a certain bit rate or anything but just as a courtesy so people will know what exactly they are getting.

Sean of the Dead 09-05-2008 12:45 PM

I personally lurked for about 1 year. I recently started contributing what I can. I never felt it necessary to post only to say what someone said 2 posts ago. However like I said I just recently started really posting and thats only pictures because I have so much time on my hands, and have no input on the religion and politics post. Whoever is elected will have a larger impact on me than on most but I feel that everyone here has already made up their minds so why argue? If there were more threads where there were more valid opinions maybe that would help.

SirLongFoot 09-05-2008 12:50 PM

I dont think girls come here to post nudes. It takes a certain type of person to enjoy/understand the humor that takes place at DSF, and even more so if that person happens to be female. It seems that every girl is expected to post tits or GTFO, and with everyone contantly nagging for them, they go somewhere else. Easing up on the begging for nudes would bring more girls to the forums....i think

but feel free to post tits if you want to;)

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