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DSF Guest 8 08-19-2008 01:29 PM

Medal Count
The Real 2008 Medal Count

China: 22 gold; 11 silver; 11 bronze

United States: 21 gold; 19 silver; 21 bronze

As you can see, in the events where medals are determined by competitors rather than judges, the gold medal gap between China and the U.S. is greatly narrowed, and the total medal count is an American runaway. Counting the judged events, China has a commanding lead in golds. Hmmm... Nope, nothing fishy about that!

Marie-Eve Martinez 08-19-2008 01:46 PM

I was tied with Canada in the medal standings until recently.

DSF Guest 8 08-19-2008 04:05 PM

LOL :cool:

BigMac63 08-19-2008 04:20 PM


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You're still in contention for silver. I'm pulling for you!

Go Marie, Go!

buddha00man 08-19-2008 04:44 PM


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interesting & ya there is diffinetly some bias going on just watch gymnastics & one can clearly see who the judges are going for, i think its a bunch of shit how these judges & i use the term loosly can favor one over the other, let alone the fact china is using a bunch of 12 year olds

Mr Handlebars 08-20-2008 12:01 AM


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Thought there is clearly cheating on the part on the Chinese this Olympics, the host country has always exceeded their past performances when they are the host country. And until the collapse of the Russian bloc, Romania, East Germany and Russia, as well as, China and Japan has always given us a run for our money in gymnastics. Also, the judging and point system this year has been different than ever before. Due to the changes, injures for the Americans has been an every day happenstance

Track and Field has been no different. With the changes in the rules concerning amateur status over the years, we are see more and more athletics from 3rd world countries working in sports and training year round, now able to endorse and make money from what they do best. If Mark Spitz had done the endorsing Micheal Phelps had done after the 2004 Athens Games, he would have lost his amateur standings. Today that's not so, and Micheal Phelps was able to bring us 8 gold medals. 8 gold mind you, that without, we would have looked mighty embarrassing against the Chinese.

With all said and done, even though we may not lead in the gold medal count, we do lead in the overall medal count with more to still be awarded. We don't have our Internet censured, except by boss who actually expect you to work at work and we don't have our freedom restricted, unless you have a boyfriend named Bubba, Killer or Lefty and live in On of the many US Penal Systems. You have the right to vote for whomever you want to (after which the Electoral College decides for you)and steal all the free porn your bandwidth will allow, before it traffic jams you.

So I say to you, raise a can of your favorite piss-water beer or a wine cooler for all you, trailer trash, gun rack, 4x4 driving He-men and say a toast to the American Olympic Athletes, their great accomplishments and may they never be caught cheating or doping, staying true to the American Way.

Shasturbator 08-20-2008 12:21 AM

or just point out that Phelps has more gold metals than most countries do in total...ever...;)

binary_jester 08-25-2008 10:00 PM

So is it more impressive to win the most golds, or just the most medals overall?

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