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LingeringLonger 04-18-2008 04:47 PM

My Buddies Wife
Need some help here...

Just found out the my buddies wife cheated on him.

What are some inventive revenge tactics?
Should any revenge take place before or after the divorce?

Choppie 04-18-2008 05:13 PM

Damn, I hate to hear that man. Well, for a good quick kick in the proverbial nuts he could let her cat/dog out. Or the oldie but goodie, bang her friends. Oh, and tell him to her a vicious lawyer, from outside of the town they live in, much less chance that the scumbag will broker off the case, and tell him to constantly bring up the adultery, and how he may need to see a shrink to get over things....that way the damage is spoken of and she won't be able to take anything that belongs to him.

Randal Graves 04-18-2008 05:46 PM

Set her up on a blind date with me.

goonarms 04-18-2008 05:50 PM


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Not before... You'll lose some leverage for acting like a child

Phillip McCracken 04-18-2008 05:50 PM


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id suggest AFTER the divorce, cause if he can prove in a court of law that she cheated, and he isnt doing that be it DURING the marriage or DURING the seperation, gives him a shitload more

"oh judge im so heartbroken, weve been seperated (insert amount of months or years i guess here) i havent even been able to look at another women...its only after i get this painfull event in my life through with that i will be able to get on with MINE"

im sure that would look ALOT better cause women in divorce cases tend to get more sympathy than men, even if she is the skeezy ho bag fucking around.

then AFTER they get divorced....he should try and fuck someone she knows, videotape it and send an annoymus DVD of said event.

dogstain 04-18-2008 06:24 PM

Get proof. It'll come in useful in court if he goes that route.

Then, after the divorce, fuck her sister.

goonarms 04-18-2008 07:10 PM


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It wouldn't be so anonymous if he was the one doing the fucking though... she may recognize the dick

EdmondDantes 04-18-2008 07:18 PM

Against the wife or the asshole?

If it's against him, you should concentrate on getting him fired while being very careful to cover all your tracks.

Have someone mail him "inappropriate" stuff to his office from another state (address it just to the company on the outside and have an address label for him inside to make sure some ELSE opens it and reports it)

Or have "someone from the competition" call him at the office, but make sure the caller "accidentally" gets transfered to his boss or HR. And that the caller blurts out something like "I was just calling to follow up on our last 3 meetings, so...when are you finally jumping ship and joining us? Make sure you don't forget that customer list you promised!"

towdog 04-18-2008 10:34 PM


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If he's a really good friend and really wants to dump her....put your heads together, work out the details, then you fuck her and let him "catch" you. He has personal proof and gets his divorce. You of course get laid, but that's a side benefit. And make sure he has a camera....for the judge, and for the internet of course. We need some new shit in the amateur thread.

JesusMartinez 04-19-2008 01:29 AM

Did you find out she cheated on him because you were the dick inside her? My theory has always been that if your friend's girl comes onto you, slam her, because she's hungry and going to go elsewhere, then tell your homie right after that you got drunk, she came onto you and figured that you might as well give her herpes to teach her what being a slut's all about...If you get him in time, he'll love you forever, if you're too late and he lands the shit, it may be hard to win him over again...

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