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nitro_girl 10-04-2008 05:38 AM

anyone tried the lemon detox diet?
ok i know im going to get slammed for this because diet seems to be a dirty word around here, id love some honest feedback if you have it!

lemon detox diet. anyone tried it? was it good / bad and did you put the weight back on straight away?

i would usually stay well clear of any quick fixes, but ive been offered a promo job thats just over 2 weeks away. i could do with the money, but its the end of winter here so im not quite ready to put on a bikini yet :( and i dont have time to get into shape the 'right' way.

if you're good boys and girls and give me some constructive feedback you might get pictures ;)

Candi Apples 10-04-2008 06:01 AM


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I tried the lemon detox diet,and couldn't do it for more than 3 days.

The drink is gross tasting,and because you are only consuming liquids,it leaves you feeling starved.

Personally,I don't believe in diets.

I maybe lost 2 pounds on the lemon detox diet,but gained it all back once I started eating solid foods again.

But I do take cayenne pepper tablets twice a day,about 30 minutes before a meal.

It increases the metabolism,and helps speed up the weight loss a little bit.

Green tea,or green tea tablets are also supposed to give your metabolism
a turbo boost,but there isnt a lot of scientific evidence to support this claim.Plus,the green tea has to be consumed in rather large quantities.

I might get slammed for saying this,many ppl who want to lose weight quickly,swear by the cabbage soup diet.(very little calories)

And Liz Hurley claims she maintains her figure by eating watercress soup.

But if I had to choose a diet that I think is similar to my way of eating,it would have to be the Atkins diet.

And if you don't currently exercise,then you should try to become more active.

Aqua aerobics/and or swimming is great,and burns tons of calories.

And if you are self conscience about going to a gym,then you can try do some moderate exercise at home.

And although the weather is getting cooler,bundle up,and go for a walk.

Walking is the best exercise there is.

Good luck!

nitro_girl 10-04-2008 06:11 AM


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great post thanks hun!

i already follow a variation on atkins, and have been training for a half marathon, i also do a weights workout 3x a week and walk everywhere at uni.
so i am by no means overweight, im 166cm tall and weigh about 60 point something kgs. my summer weight is about 55kgs and thats where id need to be to feel comfortable with the uniform for the job!

as its just over 2 weeks away im looking for a quick method of knocking off that 5kgs, unfortunately doing it healthily will take a lot longer so im researching lemon detox.. aside from the taste and starvation it does seem to work

Candi Apples 10-04-2008 06:14 AM


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Well,I guess it's worth a try for you,if you are looking for a quick fix.

But I would not go on the lemon detox diet for more than 5 days.

I think it would be fatal to your health,to go more than 5 days without solids.

I've never done a marathon before,but it doesn't sound

nitro_girl 10-04-2008 06:18 AM


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im one of those strange people who actually likes running, it helps that there are some beautiful trails around where i live so i get my gear on and go chill out while im sweating :D

ill see if i can get a nutritionist to weigh in on how much damage id be doing to myself with the lemon detox, im very aware that starvation diets have a rebound effect and last thing i want is to be stuck in a yo-yo pattern of gaining and losing weight!

staroffurby 10-04-2008 06:24 AM


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A friends tried the lemon detox, she managed it for 4 days and it might sound dramatic but she was so lifeless, looked so ill at the end. She also got dry skin on patches over her body which she was told later by a doctor is common on this diet. Weight did go down but just as Candi says she put it straight back on when eating solids. Also the eating solids again played havoc with her digestive system. Lets just say uncontrollable gas, oh boy it stunk! :eek:

As Candi says cayenne pepper seems to work, several friends have tried it and even i have been curious. Did loss some weight but its not going to perform miracles.

Green tea in any form seems to work the best from what i have seen. Not only does it speed up metabolism, it suppresses appetite and good for your immune system too. A friend who is a dietician for a local football team also says its wonderful as it also slowly releases energy of whatever you eat after eat. So it illuminates that low and lifeless feeling that you may get on diets.

Hope this helped, who a bloke speaking about diets? :confused: quick i need porn again to feel masculine!

Randal Graves 10-04-2008 09:19 AM


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Just don't eat anything for a couple of weeks. People have fasted for longer than that and not eating is a good way to let the body clear itself out. I'd start on a weekend or when you have a couple of days of from work because it sucks for the first few days while your body gets used to no food.

satan666 10-04-2008 09:52 AM

I had a friend that did it and he was basically lifeless corpse while on it.

This is much better for actual detoxing. Ew
I have done this one and can personally vouch for it. I didnt see as dramatic results as the testimaonials on the website because i am not overweight (i know you aren't either) but i did feel better and it did take some pounds off.

If you are only looking to lose weight, it might not be what you are looking for but one of the benefits of this is you will lose a couple of pounds at least. The pounds are basically undigested waste inside your intestinal tract.

Look at the pictures -- beware they are very graphic!!

GALLERY of intestinal Waste


Choppie 10-04-2008 12:34 PM

Why do I always click the link. I think my inner asshole instantly does things I'm warned against.

That would explain marriage, drugs, dropping out, and bar fights galore.

Trips 10-04-2008 12:47 PM

These detox diets are always interesting to me. No because of the dieting itself but because your body already detoxes on its own, its called sweating, shitting, and pissing. These pictures people get of intestinal flotsam are usually from morbidly obese people that have health problems or have intestinal problem resulting from these diets. In the years I spent as a personal trainer I never once saw one of these crash diets work, not in the 60 hour weeks not in the 3 years. The weight always comes back.

Positively, one form of weight control that I can attest to is a form of the macro diet. Find out how much your caloric intake is to maintain your body weight then half it. The easiest way to do this in my opinion is to get some decent grade protein powder, isopure comes to mind, grab a hand full of berries or some kind of fruit and milk. Measure it all for correct caloric balancing and drink it 3-4 times a day. Depriving yourself of starches and processed sugars will make you dizzy if you're used to them for the first couple of days but then after the second day the weight falls off dramatically. The high levels of protein keep you satiated for most of the day plus making smaller meals will keep you metabolism running. The reason green tea is used in dieting is because its primarily caffeine! In case you didn't know it causes a placebo effect in the karvonin systen (metabolism) and suppresses hunger. Also do yourself a favor and take some sort of multi-vitamin during this. It will help keep the weight off once you eat solids again. Also yeah, your BM is going to be strange/smelly because not eating solids aggravates your intestinal linings. Any other questions? Let me know :)

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