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MillyMc 07-21-2009 09:11 PM

Golf Club
So I am taking the plunge into golfing. Ive been smacking a hybrid around at the range for a couple weeks and I can def see myself getting in to the sport.

Time to start looking for a set of clubs. This is what it looks like it is narrowed down to (with the help of my girls father who knows a lot about golf):

full set of maxli (or golf galaxy starter): this includes driver, putter, bag, everything. complete. quality and hitting seems decent enough. $400

adams a3 with 3 hybrids. $400

macgregor MT oversized (I believe this includes 3 hybrids too). $400

taylormade r7 (no hybrids). $400

or used adams a2. $200ish

golf bag and everything isnt a big deal bc they have extra ones for me and my girls dad was saying that I wouldnt need a driver for like a year (to drive with the 3 bc its easier) and i think theres an extra putter too.

so basically i gotta weigh cost, performance, and durability (will maxli hold up for years the way the taylormades will, etc....

So yeah, any advice would be great. Any online stores or cheaper places to buy clubs.

Predator24 07-21-2009 09:26 PM

Milly, I played golf for 20 years since I was 7 and quit the game at 27 when I shot 79. If you are just starting out, go cheap and comfortable. Don;t buy a set of clubs because of the name or some ad in a magazine. Get some clubs that you won;t feel bad when you trade them in for a new/better set in a few years. Golf is one of the most expensive wastes of time there is.
If you're only ben "smacking" around for a few weeks, buy a cheap set of second hand clubs until you really are sure you want to spend your money on all the greens fees, carts, balls, gloves, clothing and other bullshit you'll need.

Good luck and you're gonna need a good therapist.


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ThatHaole 07-21-2009 09:33 PM


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I apologize in advance for the lengthy answer.

I've got a set of Adams that I picked up on ebay for about $400 a few years ago. They were used for a year and thus cheap since so many people want the newest, biggest and baddest set. Yet, for the average player all the fancy clubs and spendy balls don't mean shit since they are going to put most of the balls in the rough/woods/water on the right anyway.

However, the Adams are very forgiving and good for a range of players from crappy (Yo) to fairly advanced. I did a lot of research and played a number of sets and went with what I hit best.

I know a bunch of people who bought R7s and I don't get it. I can smack it pretty well but do I really need a driver with adjustable screws to perfect the beautiful arc of my right to left fade? Not really since again, most of mine go right which is very common with new and/or under practiced players. I can't fade on purpose to save my life.

Having said that, buy what feels and plays well and is affordable. Play demos and borrow them from people. Even if you go nuts and take lessons and play every day you are a long way from needed the best sticks available.

You can buy balls that have been hit once and lost for about $.30 each. I spend the same on a bag of 50 Nikes that my friends pay for a sleeve. So if you lose it on the second swing, who gives a rats ass? My friends go batshit when they lose their $6.50 pro-v1 ball that they have no business playing anyway.

Also, if you know anyone in Palm Springs you can usually pick up a set cheap from a valet, no questions asked, if you know what I mean.

carajas 07-21-2009 09:34 PM


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MillyMc 07-21-2009 10:13 PM


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did the interest in trannys come before or after you stopped playing golf? maybe you need some golf back in your life to re-channel that sexual tension.


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yeah, i mean money-wise im somewhere in between not worrying about greenfees and not being a sucker and needing a $400 driver and the $85 tiger shirts. im not in it to be trendy. my girls family is really into it and has some extra stuff for me.

like the used set is def a good deal......but im thinking that if i get the new set for like $200 more (with 3 hybrids) thatll last a bit longer. like even longer than 5 years. im not looking to trade in and up soon at all.

which adams clubs do you have? either the 2 or the 3? and do the people that have the taylormades like them?

Fever 07-21-2009 10:19 PM


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Once again, a moment of lucidity from Pred! :p:D

Milly, go basic -pawnshop I say, or like these:

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You will replace these at least once as your game progresses.
And more than anything focus on the right shaft & length thereof. I'm 6'5" 250lbs, and I couldn't figure why it was so uncomfortable at first, until I got the right stiff rifle shaft for my height and overpowered swing.
As for the heads, huge cavity back irons, one hybrid, and a good three'll do ya.
I have owned everything from TM's to Pings, to Calloway, Nicklaus and Adams and many in between; and my current set is a Wilson Staff +1" steel shaft iron with Cleveland wedges, & King Cobra Titanium (not balloon-oversized) woods all about 8 years old. Hybrids pop the ball up too much for me, but my KC 5 wood has a shallow face, so I use it as a utility for deeper rough.
Word of advice - play with 6 clubs for a year - 3 wood off the tee, a hybrid (like 19 degree) cause you need the loft out of the weeds, 6 iron for longer fairway shots and dribbling up to the green with a pitching motion and closed face, 9 iron for approach, Sand wedge cause you'll be in it, and a decent offset putter.
Good luck, it's a good walk spoiled.

Randal Graves 07-21-2009 10:35 PM


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he's right though. it's like buying a badass computer when the only thing you know how to do is play solitaire. you just spent two grand when you should have bought a two dollar deck of cards.

ThatHaole 07-21-2009 10:41 PM


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Your sticks will last as long as you want them too. But spend what you like and F anyone else. I play the 3 but I can't feel the difference in the smaller woods or hybrids.
My friends with the R-7s love them. But look around. I just saw one a "Stupid Prices" for $250 and three years ago when they were new my buddy got a "rescue club" with the driver and I think he hits it more often.


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Predator24 07-22-2009 06:09 AM


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No, the intrest started when my sister's friends dressed me up in their clothes so we could do lots of coke and have lesbian sex together. :D

Predator24 07-22-2009 06:12 AM


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Samuel Clemens can teach us all alot.

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