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satan666 07-19-2009 01:34 PM

Brock Lesnar's Antics in UFC 100
Upon beating Frank Mir in UFC 100, Brock Lesnar flipped off the audience, rubbed his victory in Mir's face, and insulted Bud Light a huge UFC sponsor.

So what do you think of Lesnar's recent antics?

1. I loved it and thought it was hilarious.

2. I think it was ok and the sport needs a "bad boy" to take it to the next level in terms of viewership anyways.

3. I don't think it is a big deal either way.

4. He was totally unprofessional and i think these kinds of antics are a detriment to the sport. It is mixed martial arts not entertainment wrestling.

I hated it. Not only was disrespectful to the fans, the UFC, the sponsor, and Frank Mir, I think they should rethink letting people like this fight in the UFC.


lightsurfer 07-19-2009 01:39 PM


I think what you find in UFC is what you will find in any segment of this world. Each fighter is unique and brings all who they are to the ring. Not everyone is going to be the "ambassador" St Pierre and some others are. Some will be just who they are whether that is an asshole, an alright guy/girl, or a really good person all around. No one should expect any different, these are not are role models.

BleacherCreature420 07-19-2009 05:38 PM


If you watched the fight, the crowd booed Lesnar from the second he entered the arena. Then when his named was announced in the ring, and again after he won. I am not the world's #1 Lesnar fan, but if someone boo'd me no no end, even after I completely demolish the other guy, I would flip you off too.

fsmak08 07-19-2009 06:22 PM

I loved it and thought it was hilarious except for him getting in his face after he literally beat the shit out of his face. But the post interview and everything else was great!

tlock 07-19-2009 07:11 PM

i dont think it was a big deal, but thought it was unnecessary

DontSnatch 07-20-2009 05:48 PM

i loved it. this is a sport where people talk about beating eachother and then actually beat on eachother. if swearing and unsportsmanship offends you, save your 50$ and stick to public tv. too often (especially in boxing) do things get hyped up just for promotions sakes. At least this time the lesnar-mir hate was very real. and like a car crash, i cant help but watch

satan666 07-20-2009 06:01 PM

I am sure that the main issue Dana White had with all of it was Lesnar bad mouthing one of the UFCs main sponsors...Bud Light.

Then, of course, Lesnar immediately apologized in the press conference and had a Bud Light sitting on the press conference table. :D

BleacherCreature420 07-20-2009 06:56 PM


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I found that hilarious......."I'm gonna go have a Coors Lights...........Budweiser ain't paying me shit" hahah

Moose_Thompson 07-20-2009 07:01 PM

I thought he looked and sounded retarded. If anything he should have gotten better at working the crowd when he was with Vince. He had already used that horseshoe line before the fight. In general I thought it was bad for the sport overall, especially since random people were probably tuning in just because it was #100.

DontSnatch 07-20-2009 08:29 PM


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he played the villian for vince.. this guy has as much charisma as cancer. he's been a dick jock for his entire life.

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