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BlackCrypt 09-02-2008 10:20 PM

Mrs. BC is in the hospital
She has not been feeling very well the past couple of days. Not able to keep down ANYTHING, food, Coke, Water, MEDS!!

Made the decision to take her to the ER, and cross our fingers that our insurance is still working. If not, we will deal with it. My main concern right now is her health.

Her potassium level was EXTREMELY low, which might have triggered the nausea. It concerned the doc so much, she is on a heart monitor right now. I will know more in the morning. Also, her being off her meds is not a good thing either. She is on an IV drip for the potassium and getting some saline for the dehydration.

This could have not come at a worse time, but she is #1 to me. The job hunt is secondary.

Thought I would just let you all know why she has not been around, and why I might not be on as much either.

On a side not, a n00b really made my night with the Death Magnetic post! Sitting here, trying to get drunk and listening to new shit from my favorite band!

MickC 09-02-2008 10:22 PM

That's no good BC! Hope she is back to keep you in line soon!

Wish her well from all of us!

jo_dile 09-02-2008 10:22 PM

BC....We're right here with you. You know how to catch me if you need anything.
You give her my love...

BigMac63 09-02-2008 10:23 PM

Give her our love...

I wondered if something was wrong, I have seen her on for a few days.

Randal Graves 09-02-2008 10:24 PM

Tell Mrs. BC I love her and miss her. I hope she feels better.

satan666 09-02-2008 10:25 PM

Our thoughts and prayers go out to her.

MEGADOUCHE 09-02-2008 10:38 PM

dude, I don't know how to show my feelings, but damn, you're on hard times. My thoughts are with you, and my best wishes for her.

ms. cellany 09-02-2008 10:39 PM

Give her my love, I hope all is well and she feels better soon. We're always here for you!

BlackCrypt 09-02-2008 10:41 PM

Damn, you guys are making this monkey boy tear up a bit.

She is gonna hate me for posting this, but I thought you all should know since a few people here like her.

BleacherCreature420 09-02-2008 10:43 PM

Good luck to you in you time of need brother>> I'm listening along with you. It rocks so far!!!!

BigMac63 09-02-2008 10:44 PM


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Man, she won't hate you. We are all friends of you and Mrs. Anything any of us can do, all you have to do is ask. Thank you for letting us know, and please keep us updated as you can. 09-02-2008 10:55 PM

aw, man...i hope she comes back soon. the mrs. always keeps me in line...i miss her already.

BlackCrypt 09-02-2008 11:00 PM


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Same here man! What trouble am I gonna cause when she is out of commision?

I sure hope I do not post any nudie pics!

Marie-Eve Martinez 09-02-2008 11:05 PM

damn, hope she's okay dude.

if worst comes to worst, we'll pull together to save her like everyone in ferris bueller's day off.

even if it means stealing our friend's dads ferrari.

Randal Graves 09-02-2008 11:06 PM


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Can you imagine what Mick could do with your nude pics?

Besides touch himself.

satan666 09-02-2008 11:06 PM

You would really be surprised at the variety of people you find here at DSF. If you need anything at all, let us know. There might be somebody here that can help in some way/shape/form...even if it's just advice or knowledge of some sort. It never hurts to ask. Remember, 6 degrees...

I'm sure Mrs.BC will be better soon and she'll be back to harassing her monkey boy! 09-02-2008 11:06 PM


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i volunteer to sing on the float!!! 09-02-2008 11:09 PM


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i agree*, laughter might be the best medicine, but anger is a better motivator!

*except for the mick touching himself part. that's just gross.

IronMan2008 09-02-2008 11:09 PM

BC, please know that I am praying for you and Mrs. BC. The both of you are in my thoughts and prayers. If you need anything, just let me know. I can hitch a plane first thing in the morning. Take care and know that the two of you are always going to have friends here for you.

P.S. I am listening to the new Metallica too! Damn fine CD!!!:D

mhump23 09-02-2008 11:19 PM

Wish I would have seen this sooner, but better late than never. My crew out here(my wife's an RN) will have her(and you!) in our thoughts and prayers. Mrs BC and I have chatted a little and have some similar issues, so I can relate. She's got a good other half in you, so you guys hang in there and get this taken care of.

Peace Guys

effjay 09-02-2008 11:33 PM

BC, I know it goes without saying but thoughts and prayers are with you and the BC clan right now.

Mr Handlebars 09-02-2008 11:45 PM

BC ..... I got my own set of health isses, so I know going to the hospital is no fun. She's got my prayers and best wishes. And of course, a speedy return.

dikfore63 09-02-2008 11:53 PM

Hope she gets well soon.

Cactus Jack 09-03-2008 12:00 AM

let us know if there is anything we can do man. you have my thoughts and prayers.

binary_jester 09-03-2008 01:02 AM

Give her my best. My thoughts are with you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

brizzel 09-03-2008 03:42 AM

Hope she is getting better BC, and you take best to both of ya !

megagreg1 09-03-2008 03:51 AM

Give my best to the missus I will be sending out a few prayers her way and all my best to you to stay with it and her. Good luck to you both.

scampr 09-03-2008 04:05 AM

Our best wishes for a quick recovery; and an extra hug to the youngster.

maxbailey 09-03-2008 04:38 AM

All the best to the Mrs, monkey boy, hope she is ok. Take care of mini BC and she'll be back before you know it.

DSF Guest 8 09-03-2008 06:56 AM

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

SexyLion 09-03-2008 07:33 AM

BC, if the insurance deal is fucked up, let us know and maybe a collection can be set up to help out a little...

Shasturbator 09-03-2008 07:41 AM

well the old saying

"Its always darkest before the light"

I hope things get turned around soon for you and your family, wish Mrs BC a speedy recovery...

Omaplata 09-03-2008 07:43 AM

BC, I didn't see this until this morning, but I'll be thinking about you and the misses. Please know that all will be well. The Mrs. is a good person and she has a great guy behind her. If there is anything we can do at all, please don't hesitate to ask.

DSF Guest 6 09-03-2008 07:51 AM

hope everything works out for the best for both of you! DSF won't let you go at it alone, we're here for you!

Trips 09-03-2008 08:41 AM

Fuck man, hope everything is alright. I hope she gets well soon

buddha00man 09-03-2008 01:07 PM

hang in there & hope everything goes well!!...thoughts/prayers w/ you

tlock 09-03-2008 01:12 PM

Hope everything works out. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers

Bam-Bam 09-03-2008 01:59 PM

Good luck and hang in there.

chilansl 09-03-2008 02:03 PM

Being in the hospital is no fun at all. Hope she gets well soon.

Candi Apples 09-03-2008 02:33 PM

I hope your wife has a speedy recovery,and is able to leave the hospital very soon.

She is a very sweet lady.

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