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2-6 04-16-2010 03:27 PM

apache rewrite rule help

jpg thumbs are rep by png thumbs.

i did a .htaces to chg filename_thumb.jpg to filename_thumb.png.

that part works.

prob is the dir changes from <url>photo/multihost/images to <url>/var/www/lcqp/photo/multihost/images/

makes the thumb 404. I don know whats wrong.

wtf? Im way out of my depth. halp!

satan666 04-16-2010 03:44 PM


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gimme a sec

satan666 04-16-2010 03:48 PM

I asked one of the other admins that is a programmer to see what he says...

I'll let you know as soon as he replies.

EDIT - i mean another admin on another site i also admin on, not this one

2-6 04-16-2010 03:49 PM

followsymlinks is on to.

Foetus 04-16-2010 03:51 PM

we should have a foreign language thread....although 2-6 prob wouldnt make sense there either (please dont kill me, im a christian)

cmetz 04-16-2010 03:51 PM


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what other site is that? is it as fun as this one?

2-6 04-16-2010 03:57 PM


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im an eqwal opp. throt cuter :p

Tablefor5 04-16-2010 04:01 PM


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You two timing bastard~~!!!!!

2-6 04-16-2010 04:03 PM


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You two timing bastard~~!!!!![/quote]

dont take is so hard. evryone lovs a fun slut ;-)

satan666 04-16-2010 04:07 PM


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Honestly, no.

I started there solely as a way to drive traffic here. People hated on me but one of admins really liked me and asked me to do some shit there and it just kept getting bigger. But DSF is my 1st love for sure... the other site is full of pussies and grammar nazis.

Man sometimes i post links there (to DSF threads of course) and people freak out about the NSFW ads... fucking pussies. Now i'm an admin so i tell people to fuck themselves pretty regular :D

Tablefor5 04-16-2010 04:19 PM

I make love to myself all the time...does that mean I am an admin?

troup 04-16-2010 04:25 PM


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I can see why you might be shit scared of telling us which website it is. I don't blame you, but you know and we know that you eventually will. DSF is something that should be a part of everybody's life, whether they want it or not. Especially if they don't want it. I want to DSF rape your other forum.

cmetz 04-16-2010 04:36 PM


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TheSNakE 04-16-2010 05:06 PM

ha ha ha DSF rape.
Back on topic: that guy stromm something should know about this stuff.

The Godfather 04-16-2010 05:25 PM


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No, you are a Master.

satan666 04-16-2010 05:57 PM

Sorry 2-6, the guy said he doesn't know much about Apache setup.

Where is Shade??

2-6 04-16-2010 07:25 PM


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off in the dark

Striker 04-16-2010 07:41 PM

I fucked around with Apache before but nothing like this. I'm only vaguely familiar with .htaccess files. Best advice I can give is to look through their documentation. I don't understand why it's changing the directory in the first place but there should be a way to change it back. I learned how to set it up from searching their documentation and trial and error.

MrGoutHimself 04-16-2010 07:51 PM


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I've done this a few times, but it's not coming to the top of my head. Can you send me the .htaccess file and I'll take a look?

Bam-Bam 04-16-2010 08:30 PM


It's hard to tell what the problem is without looking at the current configs. Truthfully your issue that you have of the

"dir changes from <url>photo/multihost/images to <url>/var/www/lcqp/photo/multihost/images/"

seems like it is probably doing what you ask of it. Most likely the fullpath of your images originate from the path of /var/www/lcqp/photo/multihost/images/. For some reason the rewrite rule is appending the full path.

Can you post the directive for the rewrite from htaccess, then maybe we can decipher where the problem lies?

Bam-Bam 04-16-2010 08:32 PM

From Apache -

Assume the following per-directory config file:

# /abc/def/.htaccess -- per-dir config file for directory /abc/def
# Remember: /abc/def is the physical path of /xyz, i.e., the server
# has a 'Alias /xyz /abc/def' directive e.g.

RewriteEngine On

# let the server know that we were reached via /xyz and not
# via the physical path prefix /abc/def
RewriteBase /xyz

# now the rewriting rules
RewriteRule ^oldstuff\.html$ newstuff.html

ThatHaole 04-16-2010 08:54 PM

^^^ What I'm seeing

skywalker 04-16-2010 09:15 PM

I don't know shit about writing code (well I can make a mean excel formula if needs be) but if 2-6 is writing the code the same way he spells then there is your problem right there. Home boy needs some hooked on phonics.

ThatHaole 04-16-2010 09:40 PM


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:wtf: This would be a good time to STFU. I would give you negative rep if I could. Instead, I'll just leave this here:

2-6 04-17-2010 06:10 AM


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skywalker 04-17-2010 09:33 AM


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Right I forgot that ball busting was only applicable in certain situations by people w/ over 2000 posts. Thanks for the help.

Foetus 04-17-2010 09:45 AM


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im the only one allowed to make fun of 2-6's spelling:mad:

2-6 04-17-2010 11:25 AM


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yea what you said

ThatHaole 04-17-2010 01:38 PM


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I'm sorry buddy. Please don't cry. It's just that 2-6 is doing something constructive for the whole forum and your attempt at bull busting was at best, ill timed, not to mention pathetically weak and old news as everyone and their brother knows 2-6 isn't Umberto Eco. So please don't get mad and go away. Just maybe STFU until you find something funny to say.

You're welcome.

Foetus 04-17-2010 01:51 PM


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fuck. i love umberto eco. "the island of the day before" is one of my favorites. "Foucaults Pendulum" is pretty fucking awesome too. :)

ThatHaole 04-17-2010 01:56 PM


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Hell ya! I just posted a bunch of his books, including Foucault's Pendulum in the ebook section yesterday.

strommsarnac 04-17-2010 04:04 PM

I'm a hardware/OS guy, so I can't help with Apache. Sorry. I'll ask around and see if anyone I know might have a clue.

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