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satan666 11-10-2008 08:10 AM

Decide Her Fate...
Hospital nurse caught posing for a photo with a Premature infant in her uniform pocket

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1. She deserves to be fired immediately

2. She deserves to spend some time in jail for this

3. I'd fire her and revoke her nursing license

4. Harmless prank. Let the poor nurse be

mrdavis 11-10-2008 09:22 AM

I can't really decide until I see her face...and her boobs.

Choppie 11-10-2008 10:42 AM

Wow....WTF! Chick could have hurt the lil guy/girl doing stupid shit, and she (being a nurse) should fuckin know that.

RvP 11-10-2008 11:10 AM

im down with most shit, but this really is fucked up

tlock 11-10-2008 11:46 AM

pretty fucked up. i'd fire her

satan666 11-10-2008 01:07 PM

I hate that she has a big shit eating grin that you can see even behind the mosaic.

amylikewhoa 11-10-2008 01:56 PM

honestly none of those are equal to what she did

carajas 11-10-2008 02:10 PM

How about 2+3
This bitch is crazy... you don't fuck with babies... and she is even smiling about it...
I want to believe that people are not this Stupid... specially if they work at a hospital..
-I'd fire her and revoke her nursing license and make her spend some time in jail.

Carlos Spicy Wiener 11-10-2008 03:33 PM

Bitch needs her ass fired, and spend some time in jail. That little baby is already born early and is small and thin, so it needs to be taken care of all times and shouldn't be some fucked bitch who doesnt, even think about the health of that small baby.

TheSNakE 11-10-2008 04:09 PM

What's the big deal? She is the nurse that takes care of the babies so she obviously wouldn't do anything to hurt them. So aside from being in bad taste I don't see what the big deal is.

rdc2007 11-10-2008 04:40 PM


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The big deal is that babies born prematurely are delicate and need to be treated delicately. Also, that's someone's child she's fucking around with. If it was her rugrat then she can do that if she wants but had that been my child I'd have fucking killed her three times. Of course, I have friends who had premature children and know what they went through. Fuck, even if the kid was full term and I found out she was taking fuck off pictures with my kid it'd be her, her supervisor, the photographer and the hospital itself that would be paying for the rest of my very comfortable life.

TheSNakE 11-10-2008 04:49 PM


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I still say, so what

rdc2007 11-10-2008 04:57 PM

Because it wasn't your child or the child of anyone you care for.

Vulgar Douche 11-10-2008 04:59 PM


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I agree with RDC. I don't even have children and i can clearly see how distasteful this is and i would be thru the roof as a parent if this happend.

Captain Obvious 11-10-2008 06:52 PM

That is really fucked up. I hope that baby is ok or else I hope they still stone people over there.

TheSNakE 11-10-2008 07:39 PM

Like I said, It's in bad taste and I am sure I would be annoyed if it was my kid, but I do not see the baby hurt in any way. Maybe I am wrong but they put kids in little sacs like that all the time.

rdc2007 11-10-2008 07:45 PM

One last try: Premature babies have to be kept in a sterile environment. Dis respectfulness aside, A pocket on a garment is not a sterile environment. She could have touched something and unknowingly transferred it to her pocket and now the baby is in contact with it. And also, as I said before: Because it wasn't your child or the child of anyone you care for.

TheSNakE 11-10-2008 08:11 PM


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my daughter is the most important thing in the world to me. Its not because I can't relate. Scrubs can be sterile too. If she put the baby in an environment that was unhealthy for it then I agree she should be fired, and I would imaging some medical board would decide weather to revoke her license.

danieldamone 11-10-2008 08:48 PM

she should be fired because she was caught. she understands the risk se took taking those pictures. thats all though.

Trips 11-10-2008 08:57 PM

2 of my god kids were born premature. If I were to see this happen I'd ask her to place the baby back in the crib then proceed to punch her in the face repeatedly if there weren't a cop around that I could just have her arrested. You don't fuck with babies.

I mean unless this baby was aborted. Then I'm conflicted.

strommsarnac 11-11-2008 03:09 PM


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Think about these things happening to your daughter. Keep in mind that she never got hurt.

1. She was in a car with a friend or relative who was driving drunk or over 100mph, or weaving in and out of freeway traffic barely missing other cars, or on drugs.

2. She was made to strip naked at school so they could make sure she didn't have any drugs, weapons, etc.

3. Kids at school forced her into a large trashcan and then took pictures of her and posted them on the web.

4. Someone threw paint, food, whatever on her and laughed at her.

5. She's sick at a hospital and expecting humane medical care and someone shoves her into a body bag while she's incapacitated and takes photos of her.

I can go on and on. If you tell me that none of those would make you want the offender fired or sent to jail then... I pray your child is smarter than you so she doesn't get abused. It's obvious you don't have a clue why it's important to protect those who can't protect themselves. What you have is a serious case of depraved indifference. It's also sad that you think just because someone isn't "hurt", something isn't still wrong.

Off my high horse now.

rdc2007 11-11-2008 03:14 PM

What he said. :rolleyes:

nestanesta 11-11-2008 03:15 PM

i actually heard of this through my mother, who is a NICU nurse and it made me so angry

especially when i had a younger sister born severly premature who passed away

a nurses job is to take care of the children in the ward, not to fool around with incredibly delicate living human beings

thats a disgrace to a)her character b)the schooling she received and c)the career in general

so my answer is 2 & 3

TheSNakE 11-11-2008 04:14 PM


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wtf does any of that have to do with a registered nurse posing for a picture with an infant who will have no memory of the incident? And even if it did, what would be so traumatizing? Oh I took a picture in a pocket, I can't see pockets anymore without getting scared. Unless some kind of sterile environment was breached, it was a harmless prank. I do agree with another poster who said, she knew if she got caught she would be fired, and she got caught. I would rip anyone limb from limb with my bare hands if they ever hurt my daughter. If that happened to me, I would be pissed, but I certainly wouldn't want the nurse stoned as another poster suggested, nor would I want her life ruined for making a stupid mistake. I would however request that she be punished in some way and her record evaluated. I hope in the country I live in we still consider someone innocent until proven guilty.

rdc2007 11-11-2008 04:51 PM


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Whether we do or not, but there's photographic evidence that she's guilty. It's in that there first post in this here thread. :rolleyes:

You don't see the wrongness of what she did like the rest of us do. That's obvious.

TheSNakE 11-11-2008 05:17 PM

What the photographic evidence tells me is, if you look to her left there is the cart they use to transport the baby from place to place. The nurse was obviously walking the baby to a test or back to its ward. On the way a coworker had a camera and some idiot decided it would be cute to pose for the picture. It took 10 seconds and the baby was placed back in the cart less than 2 feet away and probably returned to its room unharmed. hmmm, lets stone her.

MEGADOUCHE 11-11-2008 06:13 PM

People who work in hospitals develop a morbid sense of humor. She should be fired, if only because of the complete lack of objective reasoning that prevents you from taking pix of your stupid jokes with other people's babies. On the other hand, I think firing her is enough. The parents could sue. And then her career would certainly be kaput.

Trips 11-11-2008 08:30 PM

Hey snake I kind of see your even keeled look on the whole thing. My only question is if it was so harmless, why didn't she ask the parents for permission? Or I mean offer them copies of the picture? Why blur her face if its all innocent?

TheSNakE 11-11-2008 09:32 PM


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Because she knew she was wrong. I never said it was ok, I just don't see it as being big news. She made a stupid mistake. Look at her record and see if she has other indiscretions. If she is a good nurse maybe a suspension or fine would be in order. If she is doing stupid stuff like this all the time, then I would say more action should be taken.

nestanesta 11-11-2008 09:36 PM

i just dont get it

there isnt much joking around in the medical profession

premature babies are so delicate

i cant imagine a surgeon playing around with somebodys kidneys or matter how 'safe' the environment

the child isnt old enough (let alone able enough) to consent to the picture being taken nor are her/his parents present

cmetz 11-17-2008 02:28 PM

she'd be fired

Ozz465 11-25-2008 04:33 PM


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i agree , my son was born healthy and normal , but if someone would do this to him when he was born id beat the shit out of them .

DirtiestHarry 12-01-2008 07:32 PM

what a cunt. you would think she'd know better

scampr 12-01-2008 07:46 PM

I'm having a hard time believing that picture/story is not a hoax. My girls were born premature and lived in a NICU for awhile. There was never a time when they were not hooked up to things, not clothed well and never would there have been less than three people in the room. I can see the odds of one retarded NICU nurse, but 3??? Even if it's a small hospital and there's only 2 people in the room at the time I just can't imagine this being possible. My girls were never more than a few feet from their beds. You don't take out IV and take off monitors and stuff. It's a nightmare getting them set up in the first place!

Mr Handlebars 12-01-2008 08:44 PM


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Snake .... I know you are a level headed person, so I won't blow up at you like I would anyone but a baby or child in danger. I don't know if you have kids or not, but what she did was a Breach of Ethics.

First of all, a baby is born with a head that is too large for the neck muscles to support. That why you always cradle a baby's head. Even though she is offering the baby some support, that is no way to handle a baby. If that baby happened to lean forward by some odd chance, that child could have suffer a severe neck/spinal injury that could have even lead to it's death.

Second and most important, even though there were no tubes or hoses attached to the baby, show that the baby was in duress, a preemie need to be in a sterile environment as much as possible because it's immune system is very weak. That's why they usually wear gloves and mask in the NICUs. It doesn't take much, for a germ to get into that child's system. That's one of the reason they always recommend that infants drink breast milk. Since they don't have the antibodies to protect them, they can get them for mother's milk and be protected by her antibodies which is passed through the mother's milk

What this nurse did as a professional, is reprehensible and irresponsible. She knows better. Even if nothing happens to the child, her picture proves malpractice. Negligent malpractice is grounds for losing your licence, which if she loses, terminates her employment. Even though I don't beleive in suing, I think the parents should on grounds to protest other innocent babies. It's no longer a matter of money, either. 12-01-2008 09:56 PM

i'm gonna agree with Snake. unless someone can prove there was actual harm (and i don't mean just cuz you have kids that makes you an expert), it seems to me that it's just a dumbass thing to do. nothing more.

TheDrunkElf 12-01-2008 10:57 PM


The baby is a preemie.. should be in an incubator with high flow O2, not in a nurses pocket so she can clown around to her friends..

A preemie's lungs are not developed enough to be in a vertical position like that.. easy for fluid to settle in the lungs..

randomhoudini 12-02-2008 02:43 AM

Fire her for getting caught. If you're going to do stupid shit don't let anybody find out. Other than that, fuck it. She's been a nurse for 13 years and obviously knows what she's doing. If the kid had died it'd be a different story but it didn't.

Also, why the fuck have they blurred the baby's face? All babies look the same, not to mention the fact that in a year or two it'll look completely different.

jfmuggs 12-03-2008 07:53 AM

She has to go
She did a stupid thing and needs to pay for her stupidity. Just goes to prove, the "Smarter Sex", MY ASS. :mad:

MillyMc 12-07-2008 10:19 AM

Count me in with not getting the big deal at first. But that is bc I have no relative understanding of how fragile preemies can be or about babies in general.

I say fire her for objectifying a patient.....then let the medical experts decide the rest of her punishment (ie, loss of license, criminal record, lawsuit) depending on how much at risk medically she put the kid.

Looks like it has been awhile since this story was posted- any updates?

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