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Eccles 08-11-2010 10:13 AM

Fantasy Football/Soccer
Anyone interested in starting a Fantasy Football (soccer) league?

It's free

Deadline's 14 Aug 11:30 BST. You can change your team unlimitably until then.

Any takers?


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1. People can still join after the deadline. That's just when it starts

2. I'm willing to start the league I'm just seeing if anyone wants to join

Pobs 08-11-2010 04:15 PM

I already play on there, so I'd be up for a league if you do one. PM me if you do.

Eccles 08-11-2010 04:25 PM

Ok. I'm going to start one, post the code here and anyone who wants to join can join


Code to join this league: 859083-270329

Pobs 08-11-2010 04:30 PM


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Nice. All I gotta do now is sort out my team......

beastley 08-11-2010 05:25 PM

i would join just to see how i do since i dont know that much about the teams, but if that will piss you off, i wont. i also think if i play ill learn a lot more about the teams/players. but let me know if its cool.

Eccles 08-11-2010 05:34 PM


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The more the merrier. It would be interesting to see someone play who doesn't have pre-conceptions about any of the players.

It tells you how to play on the site. You are given a set amount of money. From there you pick a squad (2 Goals keepers, 5 Defenders & midfeilders and 3 Strikers) then you pick the team of players you think will collect the most points.

Any questions I'll do my best to answer

Eccles 08-12-2010 09:35 AM

Ok good. 2 people have joined. I expect Pobs and Mheat.

So that we know who's who, post your team names

Mine's Stanley

beastley 08-12-2010 10:35 PM

im soccer rulz lol

BarryMcCockiner 08-13-2010 10:56 AM

I'm in with the Dutch Rudders.

Eccles 08-13-2010 11:03 AM


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Doesn't surprise me

Eccles 08-18-2010 10:00 AM


I'm going to donate 10,000 credits to the winner.

We need more fucking players

MEGADOUCHE 08-18-2010 06:15 PM

No names or forum postings should include obscenities, ethnic or homophobic slurs, explicit sexual terminology, personal insults to other players, or reference to hate groups, nor should they be used to advertise commercial services or multi-level-marketing schemes.

I was just aboot to join up, then I saw this. Fuck Off.

Eccles 08-18-2010 06:18 PM


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Do all that shit here, just play the fucking game

gimmebeer 08-18-2010 06:24 PM

gimme a crash course on this, i`ll join

edit: be kind, i have no idea how this works, i`m guessing my idea of naked girls dressed as footballers pleasing me, delightful as it is, isn`t truthful

TheSNakE 08-18-2010 06:29 PM

I don't know shit about fantasy sports or soccer, plus I will be mostly away for a month. But I did go to a game when I was a kid and saw Pele play. Even got his autograph but I can't find the damn thing.

MEGADOUCHE 08-18-2010 06:31 PM


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You'll have to convince me better than that. Tell me we can post tits.

Eccles 08-18-2010 06:35 PM


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A manager may enter one Fantasy Premier League squad, multiple squads will be deleted. Squads must consist of:

* 2 Goalkeepers
* 5 Defenders
* 5 Midfielders
* 3 Forwards

You can select up to 3 players from any one team. If a player is transferred during the season and this transfer takes you over this limit, then you will need to go back under the limit when making your next transfers.

Each player has been given a value. The total value of your initial squad must not exceed ?100 million.


From your 15 player-squad you select 11 players to form your team each Gameweek. Only starting or automatically substituted players will earn points for your team.

Your team can play in any formation providing one goalkeeper and at least three defenders and one forward are selected.

To change your formation simply select your chosen eleven players on the My Team page. The computer will automatically chose your formation based on the players you have selected.

Players can only play in their designated position. For example, you can't play a defender as an attacker.

Any changes you make to your team will become active at the next deadline.

You must nominate a member of your team to be captain. This player will score double the number of points he would usually have been awarded that Gameweek.

If your captain does not play then he will be automatically substituted in accordance with the rules at the end of the gameweek. A new captain, either the player with the highest form or price value at the start of the gameweek, will then be selected based on your emergency captain strategy.

You can change your captain and emergency strategy at the bottom of the My Team page. Any changes you make will become active at the next deadline.
Automatic substitutions

If your goalkeeper plays no part in the Gameweek, then the computer will substitute him for your replacement goalkeeper, if he played in the Gameweek.

If any of your outfield players play no part in the Gameweek, then the computer will try to substitute the inactive player for one of your replacements. This is done by replacing him with your highest priority substitute who actually played in the Gameweek and doesn't break the formation rules.

Automatic substitutions are applied at the end of the Gameweek, when all matches have been played.

You can change your substitution priorities at the bottom of the My Team page. Any changes you make to your substitution priorities will become active at the next deadline.

After selecting your squad you can still deal in the transfer market. Unlimited squad transfers can be made, 1 transfer can be made between each gameweek deadline without charge. Each additional transfer made in the same gameweek will deduct 4 points from your total at the next deadline.

If you don't use your free transfer then you'll be able to make an additional free transfer the following gameweek. If you don't use the saved transfer in the next gameweek then it will be carried over until you do. You can never have more than one saved transfer, the wildcard is the only way to make more than two free transfers in a gameweek.

All transfers before the start of the season are made at no cost. For teams entering after the start of the season, no points will be deducted before their first deadline.

You can play 2 transfer wildcards a season. One wildcard can be played at anytime, the other can only be used between Gameweeks 23 and 27. This extra wildcard will be available after the start of Gameweek 22 (4 Jan 19:30) up to the Gameweek 27 deadline (12 Feb 11:30). All transfers made in the Gameweek your wildcard is played will be without points deduction. You play your wild card when confirming transfers.

Any transfers you make will become active at the next deadline.

Any changes to your team (substitutions, transfers, captain changes, substitution priorities) must be made by the Gameweek deadline to take effect for that set of matches.
Gameweek Deadline
Gameweek 1 14 Aug 11:30
Gameweek 2 21 Aug 11:30
Gameweek 3 28 Aug 11:30
Gameweek 4 11 Sep 11:30
Gameweek 5 18 Sep 11:30
Gameweek 6 25 Sep 11:30
Gameweek 7 2 Oct 11:30
Gameweek 8 16 Oct 11:30
Gameweek 9 23 Oct 11:30
Gameweek 10 30 Oct 11:30
Gameweek 11 6 Nov 11:30
Gameweek 12 9 Nov 19:30
Gameweek 13 13 Nov 11:30
Gameweek 14 20 Nov 11:30
Gameweek 15 27 Nov 11:30
Gameweek 16 4 Dec 11:30
Gameweek 17 11 Dec 11:30
Gameweek 18 18 Dec 11:30
Gameweek 19 26 Dec 11:30
Gameweek 20 28 Dec 11:30
Gameweek 21 1 Jan 11:30
Gameweek 22 4 Jan 19:30
Gameweek 23 15 Jan 11:30
Gameweek 24 22 Jan 11:30
Gameweek 25 1 Feb 19:30
Gameweek 26 5 Feb 11:30
Gameweek 27 12 Feb 11:30
Gameweek 28 26 Feb 11:30
Gameweek 29 5 Mar 11:30
Gameweek 30 19 Mar 11:30
Gameweek 31 2 Apr 11:30
Gameweek 32 9 Apr 11:30
Gameweek 33 16 Apr 11:30
Gameweek 34 23 Apr 11:30
Gameweek 35 30 Apr 11:30
Gameweek 36 7 May 11:30
Gameweek 37 14 May 11:30
Gameweek 38 22 May 11:30


During the season, the fantasy football players will be allocated a point score after each game, based on their performances in the matches. Only official Barclays Premier League games are included.

The Points will be calculated using data provided to us by the Press Association. Neither we nor the Press Association will enter into any correspondence relating to the allocation of points to players. We accept no responsibility for the accuracy of this data.
Action Points
For playing in a game 1
For playing at least 60 minutes in a game (includes playing points mentioned above) 2
For each goal scored by your goalkeeper or defenders 6
For each goal scored by your midfielders 5
For each goal scored by your forwards 4
For each goal assist 3
For your goalkeeper / defender conceding 0 goals (must also play at least 60 minutes) 4
For your midfielder conceding 0 goals (must also play at least 60 minutes) 1
For every 3 shot saves made by your goalkeeper 1
For every penalty save 5
For every penalty miss -2
Bonus points for the best players in a match 1-3
For every 2 goals conceded by your goalkeeper or defenders -1
For every yellow card -1
For every red card (includes any yellow card points) -3
For every own goal -2

If a player receives a red card, they will continue to be penalised for goals conceded by their team.

These are awarded to the player from the goal scoring team who makes the last pass before a goal is scored.

If during this pass, an opposing player significantly alters the speed or direction of the ball, then no assist is given except if this intervention directly results in an own goal.

If a goalkeeper does not have control of the ball and parries a shot or drops a cross or the ball rebounds off the woodwork, the attacking player shooting or crossing the ball receives the assist if a goal directly ensues.

In the event of a penalty, the player earning the penalty gets an assist if it is successfully scored, but not if he takes it himself in which case no assist is given. No assist is given for a player who earns a free kick that subsequently results in a goal.

All assists are reviewed within 24 hours of the game finishing.
Bonus points

The three best performing players in each match will receive additional bonus points. Three points will be awarded to the best player, two to the second best and a single point to the third.

Player performance is assessed by Press Association analysts, all of whom are ex-professional footballers, who attend each match. This assessment takes into account the quality of a player's overall performance and their contribution to the match result.

Bonus points are awarded within 1 hour of the last match of the day finishing.
Player values

Player prices vary during the season dependent on the popularity of the player in the transfer market. Player values will not change until the season starts.

If you sell a player for a higher price than you paid, then a sell-on fee of 50% (rounded up to the nearest 0.1 million) will be applied on the profits. For example, if you buy a player for 4.2 million and when you transfer him his value is 4.5 million then you will only receive 4.3 million.

Eccles 08-18-2010 06:37 PM

Basically you pick a squad, then a team of the players you think will gain the most points.

you adapt you team based on who is playing who and which you think will win.

You can make a transfer every week or it rolls over onto the next week.

Players with the highest prices/scores are the best.

If you have any questions just ask

Eccles 08-18-2010 06:54 PM

Also if you want advice about any of the teams or players I'll do my best

Fever 08-18-2010 07:12 PM

OK fuckers.

I'm in -
gonna beat you soundly at your cute, silly little game - whilst exerting no effort, possessing no knowledge or experience, and having little interest in the ways of the Olde Worlde. :p

gimmebeer 08-18-2010 07:30 PM


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lucky old man...

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many.. seems i managed to join the club though...

gimmebeer 08-22-2010 01:14 PM

did i win?

edit: i feel like amy in the world cup sweepstakes... hell, at least she won

Eccles 08-22-2010 01:16 PM


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you do realise that this lasts until May?

EDIT - I just looked through your team and it's definitely...interesting. Thank god you chose Drogba.

Since you started a game late, you're going to be behind for a while

gimmebeer 08-22-2010 01:20 PM

of course not.

i will read your previous instructions after wednesday

gimmebeer 08-29-2010 07:51 PM

i made a transfer, suckers!

soon to be a 4-3-3 team

Fever 09-06-2010 06:07 PM

oh, transfer!
finally figured that out.
foocking foriners and their pretenglish.

Fever 11-15-2010 05:02 PM

look who's comin' up! (or at least holding on)

only 50 behind Fish.
sure helped when I figured out what 'transfer' meant - now, what the hell does 'form' mean?

Eccles 11-15-2010 05:10 PM


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you could've asked. Form is how they're doing week by week

gimmebeer 11-15-2010 08:40 PM

ha! i'm about to kick some asses!

Eccles 05-23-2011 10:55 AM

So the season's over and I imagine most of you completely forgot about this.

As you can see, I won and will be donating 10,000 credits to myself.

I'll also be giving 500 a piece to everyone who took part.

See you again in August I suppose

Eccles 05-23-2011 11:01 AM

Who was Vegas Wanderers aka Andrew Risheg?

Pobs 05-23-2011 02:59 PM


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Damn it I bet your score with my team in my personal league..... it only I'd been here at the start I could have had 10,000 credits...... hang on, what are they for?

MrGoutHimself 05-23-2011 03:19 PM


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Did you see that ludicrous display last night? What's Wenger doing sending Wolcott on early?

Pobs 05-23-2011 03:27 PM


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Did you have to google Wenger?

Fever 05-23-2011 03:54 PM


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If I do say, I didn't finish too poorly (for not knowing your pansy ass 'sport' ;)).

Took me a while to find research material, and to figure out 'transfers', etc.
Had I started week 1, not been chasing you at the end with desperate moves, and gotten full 'Captains' points in the Zamora-for-Odemwingie sub, I coulda had a shot :mad:

Thanks for the distraction mate... (now get back to it faggos!)

MrGoutHimself 05-23-2011 05:20 PM


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No, I happen to dislike Arsenal pretty well. I prefer ManU.

Eccles 05-23-2011 05:34 PM


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That's plus 10 personality points right there

Pobs 05-23-2011 05:36 PM


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Damn skippy

Eccles 05-23-2011 05:39 PM


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Not that I dislike Arsenal. If Man United can't win the league I would prefer Arsenal over Man City and Chelsea

beastley 05-23-2011 10:19 PM


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