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Predator24 12-16-2010 11:56 AM


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Just like right now the Messiah is talking to the press how we are going to continue to bring the fight to Al Qaeda and continue to make great strides and progress.....blah, blah, blah. Hillary wants to shoot him in the back of the head and you know she's not packing blanks.

maxbailey 12-17-2010 06:34 PM

UBS dress code scrutinises staff underwear

Swiss banking giant UBS has issued its staff with a 44-page dress code, covering everything from the colour and size of suits to dietary tips and the length of toenails.

Staff are also advised on appropriate underwear and hair dyes.

The code only applies to client-facing staff, and UBS said it had been "misunderstood".

Reportedly the brainchild of top executives, the code is part of UBS's attempts to improve its image.

The bank was hit hard during the financial crisis, and was bailed out to the tune of 6bn Swiss francs ($6.2bn; ?4.1bn; 4.9bn euros) in 2008 after losing about 21bn francs, more than any other Swiss bank.

It has also been embroiled in a long-running dispute with US tax authorities over secret bank accounts for US citizens.

'Too tight'

Little, however, will have prepared staff for the level of scrutiny their attire will soon attract.

The dress code advises that "women should not wear shoes that are too tight-fitting as there is nothing worse than a strained smile".

Shirts must not be "too tight", while underwear "must not be visible against clothing or spill out of clothing".

The code also advises against eating garlic and onions.

MEGADOUCHE 12-17-2010 07:34 PM


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And ppl go into debt getting degrees to put up with this bullshit. At some point, it's going to break.

Predator24 12-17-2010 07:40 PM


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The real funny part is that all the money is fake. It's all little ones and zero's.

It IS going to break VERY soon. The peopel who are ready for that realization will be much better off then the roof collapses.

maxbailey 12-21-2010 04:44 AM

Victoria's Secret model Jess Hart warns ordinary blokes to stay away

AUSSIE Victoria's Secret star Jess Hart has warned ordinary blokes not to bother asking her out.

In an interview with gossip website Popeater, Hart lays down the do's and don'ts for regular guys contemplating making a move on glamazons like herself.

The gap-toothed Australian beauty has warned ordinary blokes everywhere to stay away.

Spy a stunning model in a bar and think about giving it a shot?

"Don't," the Sports Illustrated cover girl commands.

The beautiful aren?t interested in the bold, according to Hart.

"If you see me or another model in a bar, wait until you are spoken to before you speak,? she orders.

The 24-year-old declared that if any of the clothes horses fancy a guy, they?ll be the ones doing the wooing.

?If we are interested in you we will make the first move," she says.

Hart also issued words of warning to aspiring models tempted to try to break into the notoriously tough industry via reality shows like America?s Next Top Model.

"No way, that's the beginning of the end," Hart said.

gimmebeer 12-22-2010 10:33 AM

Drunk Man Kills Shark

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Dragan Stevic of Serbia is the new Egyptian hero who killed a large shark which had previously terrorized numerous tourists (injured 4 and killed 1) at the famous Egyptian resort Sarm El Sheikh.

The Serbian hero was too drunk to remember what had happened, though one of his friends who witnessed the incident explained it all for the Belgrade based media.
Dragan Stevic was dubbed by the Egyptian media as "Shark El Sheikh" and thanked him for saving their tourist season.

Milovan Ubirapa, one of Stevic?s friend who witnessed the incident explained that Dragan had decided to go to the beach for a swim after a long night of drinking. As Dragan and his friends approached the beach, he saw a fairly high positioned jumping board utilized earlier in the day by divers.

?Dragan climbed on the jumping board, told me to hold his beer and simply ran to jump. There was no time for me to react or to try to stop him, he just went for it? says Milovan.
?Dragan jumped high and plunged down to the sea, but didn?t make as much splash as we thought he would?, explained Milovan.

The reason could be because Dragan Stevic ended up jumping straight on the shark which was lurking near the beach, probably looking for its next victim. Dragan had nailed it right in the head, killing it instantly. The Egyptian police found the shark washed out on the beach that morning.

Dragan was able to swim to the shore and told his friends he had twisted his ankle, telling them the water was not that soft.
The water is soft buddy, you just landed on a shark. At the moment, the fearless hero is in a hospital recovering from alcohol poisoning. After Dragan gets well, he will get a chance to have some more drinks as the resort had awarded the Serb tourist with a free vacation for his heroic deed. // Pero Stamatovski

Predator24 12-22-2010 10:56 AM


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She resembles Kelly McGillis a lot more after reading this.

maxbailey 12-23-2010 08:28 AM

Freezing dog refuses to leave Glasgow bus

An animal charity is hoping to find the owner of a dog which boarded a Glasgow bus in freezing conditions and refused to leave.

The male cairn terrier hopped aboard the bus on Wednesday when it stopped on Dumbarton Road in the city's west end.

The dog, which had icicles attached to its coat, then curled up in a warm spot and refused to move.

The dog, nicknamed Claus, was later taken to the Scottish SPCA's animal rescue and rehoming centre in Glasgow.

Vet check

Centre assistant manager, Anna O'Donnell, said: "Claus is a cheeky wee lad who we think is around eight years old. He isn't micro chipped so we don't know who his owner is.

"The passengers on the bus must have had a real surprise when he jumped on and refused to get off. He was so cold he had icicles attached to his coat so maybe he made a dash for somewhere warmer.

"Even when he arrived here he went straight to a warm spot, curled up and didn't want to move. He's still to have a full vet check though he does seem to be walking gingerly, so he may have arthritis.

"Hopefully his owner will be missing him and will come forward."

Aquaman43 12-23-2010 09:39 AM


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Not to torch your story, but that's a Basking Shark. They only eat plankton.

Foetus 12-23-2010 12:48 PM

30,000-year-old girl's pinkie points to new early human species
30,000-year-old girl's pinkie points to new early human species

(CNN) -- An overlooked female pinkie bone put in storage after it was discovered in a Siberian cave two years ago points to the existence of a previously unknown prehistoric human species, anthropologists say.

And the lineage of that species may survive today in some people in Papua New Guinea and nearby islands, scientists say.

A report on the discovery of the finger was published on on Wednesday.

Anthropologists say the 30,000- to 50,000-year-old finger is evidence of a new population of hominids they call Denisovans. The name is derived from the southern Siberian cave in which the finger bone was found.

Geneticists say the finger probably belonged to a 6- or 7-year-old girl.

"The whole story is incredible. It's like a surprising Christmas present," said Carles Lalueza Fox, a Spanish paleontologist not involved in the research who was quoted in the online article.

The 3 billion-letter nuclear genome derived from the child's finger shows that the ice-age population of early humans was more diverse than previously thought. Also, a comparison of the genome to modern humans indicates that Melanesian inhabitants of Papua New Guinea and various South Pacific islands inherited as much as 5 percent of their DNA from Denisovans.

The genome research was conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany.

The Denisovans, the scientists say, were more closely related to Neanderthals than modern humans. The discovery in Siberia suggests they may have lived across a wide swath of Asia and are likely to have intermingled with the ancestors of modern humans who migrated eastward from Africa.

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