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Mr Handlebars 07-08-2009 07:12 AM


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I've always wonder about the dangers of aviation fuel and people that live in the direct flight paths of the airport runways. You can see the streaming coming out the back of the jet engines. I have to wonder if the vapors or residue is harmful over the long term to people who have their homes within a 1/4 mile of the airport perimeter.

Pobs 07-08-2009 01:40 PM

Lucky it wasn't Blue Ice!

step234 07-08-2009 02:11 PM


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The stuff you see is water vapor, the wake behind the plane is basically forming a long cloud. Its not coming out of the plane, its just aligning the vapor already there. So, no its not harmful.

As for the stuff you can't see.......
who knows 07-08-2009 02:40 PM


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lucky it wasn't "brown" ice!

MEGADOUCHE 07-08-2009 06:23 PM


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Why, is that some rapper?

maxbailey 07-09-2009 03:48 AM

How lovestruck boy was lured to his death
A teenage girl has been convicted of murdering a 16-year-old boy who she had lured into a "honey trap".

Shakilus Townsend would still be alive today if it had not been for a teenage temptress who toyed with his emotions and then betrayed him.

The 16-year-old became infatuated with Samantha Joseph and it would be his downfall.

Joseph, who was 15 at the time, already had a boyfriend, 18-year-old Danny McLean, but that did not stop her flirting with Shakilus and making him believe she was his girlfriend.

In court she insisted she had never had sex with Shakilus, or even kissed him, but admitted she was "cheating" on McLean with the younger boy.

Joseph admitted under cross-examination she had been bored with McLean, who just used her for sex and never took her out or bought her presents, whereas Shakilus showered her with attention and offered to buy her gifts, including a dog.

'Honey trap'

When McLean found out, he was furious and wanted to dump her. But she persuaded him she loved him and offered to lure Shakilus into a "honey trap".

Giving evidence Joseph even claimed that shortly before he was killed Shakilus had warned her McLean had been in contact with him and wanted to set her up so that she would get beaten up.

She had told a friend: "Either I get the beats, or he gets the beats."

As they travelled on a bus together, through south London, Joseph chatted on her mobile phone to her friend, who was known by some as her cousin although they were not related.

Shakilus, who was often known as Shak or Shaki, could only hear half of the conversation.

At one point her friend asked her: "Are you getting Shak set?"

She replied: "Yes".

Then the friend overheard Shakilus, perhaps becoming suspicious, asking Joseph: "I hope you and your cousin aren't getting me set."

She replied: "Do you really think I'd do that?"

A few minutes later they got off the bus in Thornton Heath and he was ambushed by McLean and his friends, members of the local Shine My Nine (SMN) gang.

It is thought up to a dozen youths were involved in the attack on Shakilus.

He was punched, kicked, beaten about the head with a baseball bat and stabbed several times.

Brian Altman QC, prosecuting, said: "He was struggling to breathe and when others went to his aid, Shakilus fell into unconsciousness. Just before doing so he was crying for his mother and he was frightened, telling those around him he did not want to die."

But he had suffered a mortal injury to his liver, inflicted almost certainly by McLean.

Joseph would later claim to police she had left Shakilus at the bus stop but an eyewitness reported seeing her, wearing a distinctive orange flowery dress, with the gang shortly after the attack. The SMN gang were known to wear orange bandannas and clothing.

In the melee McLean had been hit on the head by a baseball bat wielded by one of his friends.

Joseph agreed to go along with a false story he concocted - that he had been injured after being attacked by another gang, known as Don't Say Nothing (DSN), at exactly the same time as Shakilus was killed.

He said he was really in love with this girl, that she was to be his future wife and that she was going to have his kids

His mother, Nicola Dyer, told detectives he had been "smitten" with the girl and said she was his "future wife".

She said he had "always had girlfriends" but for the last six weeks of his life he had been talking only about this girl.


"He said he was really in love with this girl, that she was to be his future wife and that she was going to have his kids - he was really smitten with her.

"Shaki showed me pictures on his mobile phone and I remember thinking she really is pretty and nice to look at," she said.

McLean and five other youths were also convicted of murder on Wednesday. Ms Dyer wept as the guilty verdicts were read out.

Shakilus hailed from New Cross in south east London, while Thornton Heath was the home territory of McLean and the SMN, whose name referred to a 9mm gun.

The court heard Shakilus had a Bebo account, under which he was known as Bugz, and on it were pages of him posing with knives.

But Joseph told the court he was not violent and it was quite common for youths to posture and brag on their Bebo pages.

After he was killed, several of Shakilus's friends posted threatening and obscene messages on Bebo.

One said: "Remember u set up Shak you bitch. And he loved Yoooh."

The girl told the court she was aware of these threats and was scared of retaliation by friends of Shakilus.

Joseph now faces a life sentence and will have plenty of time to mull over the part she played in the death of an innocent boy.

Trips 07-09-2009 04:30 AM

that was hard to read cause it kept referring to the girl by her last name.

maxbailey 07-10-2009 03:32 AM

Son tries to sell sexy photos of mum on Internet after row
WELLINGTON (AFP) ? A New Zealand teenager tried to sell some sexy photographs of his mother on an Internet auction site after the pair had an argument, a newspaper there reported.

The 18-year-old student opened an auction for "five naked photos of my Mum" on the Trade Me site after being told to clear the family garage and sell any unwanted items on the site, the Herald on Sunday said.

Trade Me pulled the auction the next day, but the student, identified only as Michael, was soon back trying to sell a series of eight-year-old "glamour" shots of his mother, including one of her in underwear.

His mother Jennifer, 44, who did not want the family name published, told the paper she was "pretty annoyed" when she found out about the first set of photographs.

"He was quite naughty... I thought 'you cheeky little git'," she said.

But she was also annoyed that Trade Me withdrew the second set of pictures, of which she approved.

"I insisted Michael show me first, the little bugger. They are quite artistic. There is nothing dodgy about them."

"I wanted 50 per cent of the sale, but more than that I miss the nice comments."

Trade Me spokesman Jon Macdonald said both auctions were withdrawn because of "inappropriate" photos.

"We don't really want to be the place where people list photos of their mums in their underwear," he said.

Liquid 07-10-2009 03:55 AM

Pretty nasty to have pictures of your mom like that and even worse that she knows he has them and is ok with it. :eek: Anybody know what they call rednecks/neds/chavs in NZ?

Striker 07-10-2009 10:10 AM


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I believe the term white trash would probably work...

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